It's A-Maze-Zing! (I'll Stop)

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I watched Leo leave. He's too cute for words. I rubbed my hand against my face. A realization hit me. I was getting too attached. I shouldn't get attached. If my mom were to see this... yeah, I'll be screwed!

What the fuck is wrong with me?!

Being friends with a turtle is one thing, but reseeing my fake exes is a whole other story! We had faux dates to keep up with appearances! We used each other for personal gain! Our dates lasted for a month at best! Why are we connecting? Ok, I asked for a few favors, but it was a small favor nothing major.

Was it because of Leo? Was my reconnection his involvement?

Calm down, Merrill. I have two years left. A little interaction wouldn't hurt. I heard a chair screech. I looked up to see Raphael sitting in Leo's chair; he glared at me.

"Shouldn't you be waiting for a table?" I asked.

"You think you're so smug?" he insinuated while pointing his large finger at me.

"I don't think I know." I gestured for the musician to leave.

"You sit there acting all cool like you're above everyone here."

I smirked. "Not everyone here, but I know I'm better than you."

The large snapping turtle immediately stood up with clenched fists. "That's it!" suddenly, his two brothers appeared pulling him back. I sat there witnessing the ordeal.

"Raph, please", Donnie said, "I don't want to be blacklisted in a pizza restaurant where we can come in without a disguise."

"You're just hangry, big bro", Mike nurtured, "what you need is pizza!"

"What you fuckers need is to get your own damn table", I told them, "If the owner stops by, he's going to kick ya'll out in a nice way then call the mutant authorities to have your ass handed to ya on a silver platter."

"I'm not leaving Leo alone with you!" Raph stubbornly argued. "I don't know much about you, but you give me bad vibes, man. Sooner or later, you're going to do something that'll get me angry. Trust me. You don't want me angry."

"Settle down, Hulk. Don't need to tear your shell apart." Raph gritted his teeth. That was until a waiter appeared and dropped off the Heart Pizza. The three turtles sniffed the aroma. Their mouths salivated over the pizza. "You know what? Go nuts, guys. As long as you save some for your brother." Don and Mike were happy and took a slice. Raph was reluctant but slowly took it.

"Sweet salvation!" Mikey placed the slice to his mouth, unfortunately, Leo appeared and slapped the pizza out of his little brother's hand. "My salvation!" That was messed up.

"Don't eat that reject!" Leo told him and looked at us. "Why eat that when you can have the World's Greatest Pizza?" World's Greatest Pizza?

"I call bullshit", I said dismissively, "we already have a delicious pizza right here. Sit your ass down and enjoy it."

"I agree with our goth friend", Donnie agreed with me muttering "not a Goth", "every restaurant claims to have the world's greatest pizza."

"The whole reason we're here is to eat pizza", Raph reasoned.

"Trust me, hermanos", Leo encouraged spinning his Spanish slang, "it's behind velvet curtains."

"Velvet curtains? Fancy." Mikey followed along with the other turtles. I stayed back so I can walk beside Leo.

What's the catch?

'What are you talking about?

Don't act dumb. It's beneath you. We could've sat down and enjoyed our pizza instead you want us to go somewhere just to try the so-proclaimed World's Greatest Pizza. If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were a little too eager for us to join.

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