Baron Draxum these Nuts (Across your Face!)

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I went home. I switched my arms to Gauntlet Beta. My second pair of legs haven't gone through testing. I must handle my standards. It should be fine if I don't overheat the thrusters. Both pellet bullets and knives are armed. My metal arms reach above the elbows. See, Gauntlet Beta is an impressive prosthetic armor created by my aunt. Gauntlet Beta is a combination of shotgun fists and talon knives. With the right combinations, I can shoot and slash my opponent. I changed my leather jacket with a simple black jersey jacket and pulled my hair back it a hairband into a short ponytail. I know I'm stepping into battle; a big battle judging the shit I've seen. It's not going to be a walk in the park, especially with the group I'm affiliated. I might as well not damage my favorite clothing. I sigh. This isn't about me. This is about saving the Furball from whatever peril it's in. Oh, yeah, and April, too.

I suck my cigarette's life as I look at the brick wall, patiently, as I lean against my motorcycle. My bike appears simple to any person who looks at it. This baby is an anti-gravity motorbike with thrusters packed with juicy surprises. Also, courtesy of my aunt with yours truly giving her a hand. Maybe I should've mentioned I painted my bike navy blue with a shimmering lighting bolt on the sides. My bike is a darker hue than Leo's bandana. Fuck, not again! He didn't make a good impression! The one thing I gave credit for is his Spanish! Nothing more, nothing less. I focus on my sucking the nicotine. I should've brought weed.

"Are my eyes playing tricks on me?" Greeeeaaaaaat. Speak of the Devil and he shall come. I look behind me and lo and behold the turtle gang. Leo was the caller. "I thought you weren't getting involved." His face morphs into a shit-eating grin. Cocky, little fucker.

I shrug, passively. "Got bored. Had nothing better to do than wait for you dipshits to show up."

"Hey", Raph points his huge finger at my face, "no swearing. Mikey's thirteen."

"And?" I say with a raised eyebrow, "I started cursing at age 11. I'm sure he cursed just as much only when you're not in the same room."

"Well, not always. Oh! I did say shit once after losing a game with Leo. Does that count?" Mikey says with a childlike grin like he accomplished a good deed." His tooth gap smile makes his tone innocent.

Raph gasps. "Mikey! How could you? You're too young!"

"I'm going to swear sooner or later. I'm not a little kid, Raph!"

"Don't worry. Take things slow and you'll be swearing like a pirate in no time", I advise the box turtle. Raph glares. It didn't bother me. What bothers me is Mr. Purple Tech having a panic attack over my bike.

"So beautiful. The machinery. The fine-tuning. The body. Yes, this is the work of a mastermind genius!" Donnie gawks. His goggles are over his eyes. I see drool streaming is jaw. "Oh, I bet she purrs when she's turned on." Giggity. "Please, let me ride her!"

That's it. With a flick of my wrist, a knife is placed between my fingers. "Drool on my bike and I'll cut your tongue off." My threat made the sot shell retreat and stand beside his broad brother. Raph hunches his form fiddling with what looks like a foreign coin. Mikey joins them, too. It was just me and Leo. Lovely. The turtle I'm trying not to think about is standing close, staring. "Take a picture. It'll last longer." His blinks. He looks away. His cheeks got darker. Huh? In this lighting, his cheeks have a red tint. Really? Did he get embarrassed? I didn't pull off my gay charm.

"You pull your hair back", the slider mumbles.

"So what?"

"Um... you look nice... seeing your full face... Hey, Raph how's the portal coming?" Leo walks to his brothers. I watch Leo conversing with his brothers. His blush was cute. I snuff my cig to join them.

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