Brawl in the Mall (part 1)

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AN: I'm sorry for the delay. I had the case of the Holidays' and New Year Blues. Overstressed from work and Christmas shopping and with how busy my job got. I will try my best to keep updating my story.

Great. Just my night. Those dudes with the fire heads are back! Alright. Let me explain what I meant. A day after meeting Merrill, my bros and I were looking up ways to be heroes; you know, get our name out there (yes, it was before Merrill dubbed us as Los Tortugas Locas). We found out someone was stealing a massive amount of paper throughout NYC. I thought it would be an easy start for us. I thought "how hard it is to catch a couple of paper thieves?"

Boy... did I put my foot in my mouth. In my defense, it would've been an easy night with an easy catch! We had the number and the manpower – scratch that, turtle power. There were just two guys! A skinny dude who could be mistaken as a zombie while his partner was as big and large as an air ballon. What's weird were their faces. I don't mean they're ugly. Okay, they were. But I wasn't talking about their looks. They had footprints marked on their faces. Their heads were on fire, and they were walking like it was not a big deal! I ain't lying!

Proof? They're right in front of us about to break into a jewelry store!

'Aw. You make it sound like they're a threat.' I glanced at Merrill who had a huge smirk. 'They don't look like they're much of a challenge. Perfect punching bag material.' His eagerness was evident even without our bond intact. He was too eager to go after them. I would've agreed if not for the panic attack he just had (I might've caused it). 'Leo. It's not a big deal. I promise.'

Are we going to talk about this after?

'...yeah... no secrets.'

I'll hold you to it, Merr.

We focused on the two criminals in which the skinny dude used his head to light the torch. 'So, what am I up against?' Merrill asked.

Well... on the bright side, there are two of them. The skinny guy may look like he'll break if he lifts a brick, but he can fold paper into living origami ninja. His friend is his muscles.

'Okay. Okay. We have both brain and brawn. I got the brawns, and you got skinny brains. With our skills, we could have this done within ten minutes, probably less if I finished early.'

I love how confident he is, but I couldn't help feeling uneasy. He wanted to let out his aggression. He picked his victims. I don't like this attitude. I think we should the others.

'I said we got this!' I flinched at his angered voice. 'Trust me. I know Light cancelled you but all you gotta do is stall until I'm done.'

So, I'm just bait? I'm guessing you have a plan involving me being bait. I frowned realizing how he saw me as a disposable pawn. It's infuriating! I thought we settled this since our fairytale adventure.

'Come on. Bear with me, Lee. It's a simple plan. I promise nothing will happen to you.'

I sighed. I already hated this plan, yet I agreed. Alright. What's this so-called plan of yours?

~Lady Ai~

My eyes widened at Merrill's plan. It was a simple bait and lure. I lure the big firehead and lead him to Merrill's trap. As the explanation goes, it's simple. Just one annoyance: why was I the bait?

'They know you. They've seen you. They've seen how you fight. They don't know me.'

I know we made up and all, but I hate you.

'Come on, Lee. You can't tap out now.' Merrill playfully pleaded. 'I need my sweet lil' damsel.'

Remind me to kill you when we finish this.

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