Let's Get Pretty, Bitches!

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The day of the homecoming dance. Less than five hours before the dance starts.

I told Alex about Leo's "plus one". They gave one helluva vocabulary. Overall, they stewed. They rented a movers' truck so we can transport a few materials to my place. I was telling Alex about Leo's situation as I drove the truck to my place while the drama queen pouted in the shotgun.

"I can't believe you threw a wrench in my schedule", Alex continued to pout. I stopped at a red light. "I may be fast in my art, but I'm not Flash or whoever has super speed. I am a transexual fashion designer, not a miracle worker."

I took a long breath as I repositioned my hands on the steering wheel. My eyes focused on the streetlight. "I know you're pissed, Alex, believe me, I would be too, but it's the only way Leo's father would lift his son's punishment temporarily. The old man had the nerve to say no even after I laid out the Boy-Next-Door charm. That shit would've made a homeroom with any strict fathers. But nooo, he managed to focus more on my reputation than on getting to know me! The fucking nerve, eso raton feo." The light turned green, and I drove.

"Color me shocked someone said no to you. Don't you tend to be... competitive?"

"I ain't that competitive. I just hate to lose."

"Right. My mistake." I can taste his sarcasm. "So, what? You want me to design and craft a disguise for Leo's... who did you say he was bringing?"

"His older brother. That was the agreement we settled on."

"Brother, you say? My goodness, Merrill, why didn't you say so?" even without looking, I can picture their mood brightening like an evening star. "Since meeting Leonardo, I drew multiple sketches for him. A redesign is child's play."

I stopped at another red light. "What if I were to tell you Leo's older brother is taller than him?" I managed to glance at my ex.

Alex tapped their chin in thought. "the height shouldn't be a problem. As long as I have enough materials, I can craft the ensemble."

"Let me rephrase. He's thick AF."

Alex's eyes widened. "Thick?"

"AF, puta. AF."

My ex threw me a devilish smirk. "Now I really can't wait."

The light changed to green. "I need to ask you a favor. Can you distract Red so Leo could have a good night? With Raph coming, his big brother instinct will kick in putting Leo on a short leash and won't let his little brother have fun."

"In short, you want me to charm him or rather tease him enough to get big brother into a flustered teenager?"

"Yeah, pretty much."

"Is Raph short for Raphael?"


"I can't wait."

Finally, the drive to my mansion was complete. I parked the truck and turned off the engine. "Which in turn, I need to drop down a few rules."

Alex groaned. "Ugh, are you serious?"

"Yes, because I would rather not have a reason to have Red tattle on me and not see Leo again. Rule #1: your teasing and flirting needs to be Rated PG-13. PG-14, if you can't censor yourself."

"How innocent is Raphael? The virginity innocence or your version of innocence?"

"Last week, Red assumed Leo and I did "the nasty". I air-quoted 'the nasty.

Alex smirked. "Aw, how adorable. I can taste his sweetness."

"Which brings me to Rule #2: no eating Red. In implication, don't spike the punch or get him anything alcohol-related. We don't want you making out with a mutant turtle in a dark corner."

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