Leo and Xander?!?

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Soulmate...? Did I hear that right? Merrill said we're soulmates!

The moment I reunited with my emo friend I knew there was something bothering him. Sure, he didn't show it, but with our minds linked his emotions were as clear as transparent glass. I didn't bother bringing it up though. I needed to focus on the oozequitoes which according by Donnie's info were located inside a fancy hotel.

Inside... woof... there were hundreds of Barry's insects buzzing around. We thought everyone evacuated, unfortunately, there was a bellhop hiding behind the reception desk. So... Raph and I had a little disagreement. Raph wanted to capture the oozequitoes before they leave the hotel. I wanted to save the ONE HUMAN before he got stung and mutated. Merrill tried his best to grab onto the slippery dude, but I was surprised he didn't use his speed to get him. Mikey drenched himself in honey; Raph swung his racket around; I was spraying my insect-killing gas; and Donnie... was being Donnie. Everything went too fast and the next thing I knew I was encased in a giant purple ball with my brothers! Raph had the nerve to blame Merrill for the bellhop's mutation.

Before we could escape, the hotel staff rushed out of the elevator and started cleaning up our mess. A woman was being carried by two buffed security guards. She said her name was Big Mama and was the owner of the Grand Nexus Hotel. Also, she said the mutants in disguise weren't mutants but were creatures called yokai. It made me wonder what's the difference. No sooner than later, her son, Xander, joined us. I'll admit... the guy's good-looking for a mature older teenager. I shook his offered hand; he kissed my hand like a proper gentleman, and I felt a storm brewing between Merrill and Xander.

Don't get me wrong. A part of me enjoyed the attention of two guys fighting over me. Another part didn't like the fact two idiots fighting over me and acting like I'm some sort of trophy. Then, Merrill and I had another mental argument. After, Merrill blurted out that we were soulmates! My heart did somersaults and backflips. I knew my face was blushing. Merrill's expression became shocked at his exclamation.

Later, Big Mama gave us a quick tour of her hotel before reaching a secure place to talk. Throughout the tour, we saw different types of yokai. We walked through a floor where it held a bar and giant floating spheres broadcasting a fighting arena. The arena happened to be called the Battle Nexus... the same name as her hotel. Coincidence, I think not! We went in the elevator and throughout the whole elevator ride the tension was thick and sufferable and it was hard to breathe. Raph stayed between us. For once, I accepted my big brother's involvement. I couldn't look my friend in the eye and Merrill was vice versa. He was just as embarrassed as I was probably more.

As we entered her office which was just an entire floor for her, Big Mama explained she would keep the oozequitoes safe in her care. That made me suspicious. Why would she go to the trouble of helping us? It made me more suspicious as I mentioned Baron Draxum and he was the guy responsible for creating the oozequitoes. Big Mama was unfazed mentioning she never heard the name. Either she's a great actress or she really didn't know. I was leaning toward the former. Finally, I looked at my friend hoping he would agree with me my suspicion. I sighed and facepalmed. Merrill went back to having a glare showdown with Xander. I swear this was getting ridiculous. I went over to the fuming emo and pulled him away by his collar.

Anyway, Big Mama provided us with an adhesive to capture the insects. The adhesive she mentioned happened to be a spider web. She transformed into her true self which was a spider yokai and spat out sticky webbing from her mouth. Donnie got caught in her webbing. My twin tried his best not to vomit out of his stomach. Raph agreed for all of us which pissed me off! Was I the only turtle seeing the red flags?! I don't trust the giant spider lady and her son! Yet my brothers were blinded by her generosity and Merrill blinded by jealousy – I mean anger.

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