Where's My Shit?!

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I've arrived back home with questions and doubts swarming my mind. Did I make the right decision? From what I've seen by the PD's actions, they aren't nice people, mostly Kendra, the leader. Her henchmen followed her commands like soldiers. Comparing the Purple Dragons to Leo's comrades is comparing water to oil. Leo's newfound friends are... loud; expressive; crude, not rude, well, not per se; above all, loyal. Seeing my young brother bond with his friends, their bond was evident. It tells that they would have each other's back if one of them gets in a bind.

My relationship with the PD is questionable. To be fair, I spent a day with them, and I barely know much about them. Yet, it had been a day and I'm questioning my decision. I've witnessed firsthand what their behavior was like; especially Kendra and what she did to Diana. My new jacket over my hoodie felt heavier like I'm carrying an anvil on my back. I smoothed my jacket.

Are you worth it, satin, purple jacket?

When I returned home, I was faced with a snarling snapping turtle. "Where have you been, mister?!" Raph's voice boomed across the lair as he leaned over my body with his hands on his hips, "You said April needed your help and it shouldn't take long. That was hours ago! We got a curfew! At least Leo made it on time!"

"Um, I'm sitting right here", Leo said sitting across the platform reading his comics.

"Eye roll", I said, rolling my eyes, "I was with friends."

"Don't you roll your eyes at me, young man! We were worried si... hold on, back up! You said you made friends?" Raph's mood was depleted.

"Irritated sigh. Yes, while I was at April's school, I've met a few intellectuals who are as brilliant as I." I didn't add their behaviors; testing the waters, so to speak.

Michael hopped onto our older brother's back with an excited gasp. "Donnie made friends! I wonder if I can make some too! Can I, Raph? Can I?"

Raph reached over to grab Mikey's shell with his large hand. "Settle down, little man." Mikey groaned. "Are they trustworthy, Donnie?"

"Acquaintance would be a better term. We just met", I defended(?), "I'll meet them again tomorrow."

"I don't know about this, Dee. My gut's telling me they can't be trusted."

"Was it the same gut that told you of your affection towards Alex?" Raph's face grew bright red. I knew I shouldn't say it, but I was too tired to care.

"W-w-w-wh-wha-what?! I don't have a crush on Alex!" Raph denied. "We're just friends. Good friends! Really good friends! Such good friends! Good friends with two or three age gaps!"

Mikey gasped in glee. "Oh. Me. Gosh! Raph is in love!"

"No-no-no-no-no-no-no! No love mentioned here!"

"I knew I felt a spark flared seeing how cozy you held Alex on Halloween night."

I rolled my eyes. How obvious. I didn't stop there. "Mikey is lucky enough to not meet the misfortune of trusting another individual." Our little brother's eyes shifted as though I misspoke or offended him. Once again, I could care less.

Leo had already got up and stood beside Mikey placing a hand on his shoulder. "You're crossing the line, Dee", Nardo said, glaring daggers at me.

"Let's not forget the main protagonist here! The one who started it all!" Damn, I'm on a roll of being the world's douchebag.

Leo's eyes hardened. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Don't play coy with me – with us! Meeting Merrill, you've been enamored with him since day one! Tell him how you feel and get on with it! Everyone knows how you feel! Don't drag us along with your love life."

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