The Shadow King

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We stood before Merrill's mansion which was consumed by darkness, giving it an eerie atmosphere, especially at night. My knees quaked at the sight of the structure. I heard teeth chattering. I turned to see Mikey shaking in his shell. I closed his jaw to stop the sound. "You know... does Merrill really needs saving?" Mikey asked, "Maybe he's just cranky and needs a nap. Let's come back in the morning where he's as bright as a daisy." Mikey turned around only for Raph to grab his head and faced him at the mansion.

"Nope. Sorry, little brother. We've come this far. We ain't going back without Goth Boy", our big brother told him. Mikey groaned.

"Besides, if you went home now, you'll be telling Dad that we snuck out and how Donnie drugged him with sleep medication."

"Question. How are we getting inside?" April asked.

"Simple", Alex went to a small patch of bushes and grabbed a small, smooth oval rock. "Merrill keeps a secret key in case he forgets his. Not many people know about it." We walked up to the front door. Alex inserted the key into the slot.

As soon as Alex opened the doors, a wave of nausea and dizziness rushed through my body. I would've fallen if Lydia and Katie weren't there to hold me up. "Oh my God, Leo! Are you okay?" I weakly nodded. "Yeah... I... I'm good." I tried steadying myself. That wave was unexpected. I walked to the entrance despite the overwhelming sickness. Inside, everything was in complete darkness. No light in sight. We entered the mansion. The doors slammed shut leaving us in darkness. A girlish scream echoed in the dark.

"Lyds... please tell me it's you I'm holding in my arms", Katie said behind me.

"Oh. You have very strong arms, Katie", Mikey said I assumed jumping into the punk girl's arms. A thud came after. I imagined Katie dropped him.

"This is darker than dark", Lydia remarked, "it's like walking with your eyes closed." she bumped into someone.

"Hey, watch where you're walking!" April yelled.

"Sorry, April."

"Are we going to have a problem, O'Neil?" I could hear the threat emitting in Katie's voice. "Cuz trust and believe I will bitchslap you to New Jersey."

"Guys! We don't need this!" I told them. "We need to get to Merrill before he gets worse."

"Alright, calm your shells everyone", Donnie said, "I can easily use my night vision setting on my goggles." Unfortunately, a candle was lit. Then, another. Two became ten. Ten times more. We were surrounded by floating candles. "Or... let the candles mysteriously light up to provide sight."

"Master was expecting us!" Mrs. Cuddles giggled, maniacally, "How bold and daring of him!"

Expecting us or expecting me? I felt uneasy for a moment.

"Does anyone feel like we just entered a boss level? No, just me? Great", Katie remarked.

Mikey was already next to the doorway. "Which I vote for leaving ASAP! All in favor!" Donnie grabbed him with one of his robotic hands. Little brother groaned.

Raph stepped forward. "Alright, Mad Dogs!"

"Los Tortuga Locas!" We all cried.

"Whatever! We need to get to Merrill and smash him back to reality!"

"As much as I want to see a huge mutant turtle punching the Sexy Lucifer, I get the feeling Merry Bear will be doing more of the smashing than us. No sexual pun intended", Alex pointed out. "Our one defense against Merrill is Leany Beanie." Everyone looked at me.

"What?" I asked as their stares didn't ease my uneasiness.

"Of course... Nardo could be the key to getting Merrill out of his state", my twin thought out loud.

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