To Take a Leap of Faith

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I tinkered with my damaged battle shells. The damage repair will take an entire week at maximum maybe less if I get started now and drink enough caffeine. I surveyed my latest project. It was almost complete; I could hold it off until my battle shells were fixed.

A portal opened to my left. My blue-banded brother popped out. He blinked as he collected his surroundings. "Well, it's not my room but it's a start. Sorry for the interruption, Dee. I'll get out of here. Night, man." Nardo went to the exit.

My eyes drew to my broken crafts. I should get started. However, my mouth spoke before my brain stopped it. "How do you do it?"

I heard my brother pause. "What?"

"How were you able to make friends with no doubts or uncertainty? How can you put your trust in strangers wholeheartedly? How could you tell the good in someone without researching their background? Just how?" I didn't realize I had so many questions in my glorious mind?" Leo grew silent. I spoke too much. "Nevermind. Go and retire, Nardo", I reflected, "Who knows when you'll get a proper sleep if I keep bugging you." I went back to my work. I started with the hover shell. Minor damage; should be an easy fix.

Leo grabbed my extra-rolling chair and sat next to me. He stared ahead lost in thought. I opened my mouth, but he spoke before I got to say anything. "To be honest, I did have doubts. I didn't randomly approach them and say "Hey, I'm Leo! Wanna be friends?" To be honest, I wanted to be just me and Merrill; just us in secret. Our little group in our little world. I didn't think our little group would get any bigger. See, I snuck out to visit Merrill at school; it was like a week before the Homecoming Dance." Ah, yes. He and Raph got to experience it with April. I heard Hypnopotamus crash the dance. "So, Merrill called Lydia to ask Katie for some clothes-"

"Wait. Why didn't he call Alex? They're the fashion designer", I asked, intrigued in my brother's tale.

"It's funny. Lyds said the same thing, but Merrill said they had enough on their plate, so he didn't bother. Later, Lydia brought Katie who brought the clothes – and before you ask, yes, it was the clothes with the miniskirt, which BTW worth it; seeing Merrill have a massive nosebleed for having a cross-dressing kink is the Ultimate W in my book. Anyway, our first meeting, yeah... that was an accident. Me and Merrill were in the boys' bathroom – I was in the wheelchair stall – he brought the girls in the bathroom; Katie made a joke about having a foursome and I popped out of my hiding spot and that's how the girls saw me. Lydia fainted; Katie was overprotecting her girlfriend, but they warmed up to me.

"We met up with Merrill, who had a nosebleed moment when he saw me, again Ultimate W. Alex came, noticed me, and wanted to use me as their new muse. And we just clicked. We exchanged digits and became friends. I can't exactly say how it just happened; you know?"

I can't really say I have. "That doesn't exactly answer my questions", I stated.

Leo shrugged. "I don't have a real answer. Our meeting was an accident, like our first meeting with April! Remember when we first met her? On Halloween? We got along great! I know it won't work for everyone, but I'm grateful to meet those guys. I guess I took a leap of faith."

"Scoff. That leap of faith only got me backstabbing simpletons."

"I never said it was going to be easy. As I said before, the guys already see you as their friend. They were worried about you, too."

"And as I said, I wanted to make my own friends; obviously, it didn't work well." I thought about Diana, the book-reading goddess. I hope I get to see her again. "What about Merrill? Is he your friend or do you see yourself more?"

I caught Leo's surprised expression with a hint of scarlet blossoming on his cheeks. "I-I-I-I don't want you to say anything, especially to Dad!"

"Ah. It's more of an affectionate compassion."

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