Two to Tango, but a Group is too Much

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Here I am towering over the slider mutant turtle-like predator leering over their prey. His fear cascaded his eyes. My knife was an inch close to his Adam's apple. I wasn't planning on killing him. He didn't give me a reason to kill. I'm curious. I could scare him into giving me information. That would work.

"Back off, Halloween Knockoff." A huge shadow cascades us. A glance and an update inform me an alligator snapping turtle is attempting to attack. His body is broad and huge making a comparison I would say the snapping turtle has more muscle mass than the two brutes I encountered. Just like the slender, the buff turtle wears a red bandana however he covers his head with a tear underneath his eye. Big body, little head. He's covered in spikes, shoulders, elbows even his shell. Two bandages overlap as an X on the right side of his plastron. His fist rises coming for my face. His movement is too slow. I calmly step as I retract my knife. It is hysterical seeing his face sluggishly morph to shock as I lift my left leg and kick his plastron. Maybe I should've pulled back a bit since the force I gave the huge turtle impacts one of the metal frames.

"Raph!" the blue-masked slider yelled to his comrade. The slider turns to me with a heated glare. "Talk about uncalled for, dude!" he takes his sword out planning to attack.

"Pick on someone your own size!" my scanners pick up on an ornate box turtle and a spiny soft-shell turtle. I leap away. The box turtle is on my trail. This one is shorter than the slider by two inches. A short orange mask covers his eyes, has a belt and sash like Bluey (I decided to call the slider that), except it's orange, and has stickers on his plastron. My guess is that he's the youngest. Orange loves his flips. Flips here, flip there all while whirling his nun chucks aiming for my face. I roll my eyes. How boring. I grab his wrist and pull him in to headbutt his tiny head. He groans in pain. I use the moment to throw him to Red.

Purple (the soft shell) intrigues me. His choice of weapon is a high-tech bo staff. His purple bandana, like Red, cover his head, however, there were black eyebrows drawn on. What baffles me is how thick they are. Why are they thick? Why drawn them arched, too? He wears 3D goggles or something on his head. This turtle is pack with technology. I'm guessing he's the smart one of the turtle group, even his shell his metallic. "I have questions", he says in fascination, "such as is your hand prosthetic? What can you do with it? Did you input a holographic computer on your wrist? Or perhaps an electric taser onto your fingertips for an evasive maneuver? Or a flamethrower spewing out of your palm? Or –"

"Donnie, stop giving the bad guy ideas!" yell Raph (Red) as he helps Orange stand.

"Donnie's got a boy crush!" Orange teases.

"The man is standing with impressive technology! How can I not gawk?" Donnie – Mr. Purple – argues.

"No", I simply reply and add a smirk, "but I can do this." I lift my uncovered hand, releases itself from my wrist with thrusters, and fly toward Purple. My hand grabs Donnie's neck and lifts him. I initiate it to drag the soft shell and throw him with the two turtles who were already trying to find their footing. They crash together resulting in them falling and landing down below.

"You have my respect, good sir!" Donnie yells with a painful groan escaping him. A shaking arm comes up giving a thumbs up. My hand comes back to its rightful place.

Three down, one to go – I barely escape a swing. I stare at Bluey. "No one messes with my brothers, except me!" he swings his swords, very clumsily I will say. I feel as though he doesn't get enough training. Might as well stop before someone loses an eye. With his next swing, I grab his wrist and twirl his body like a waltz. I make sure his back is against my back. His arms cross over his chest. I grab both wrists trapping him in place. "What's with you and personal space?"

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