The Purple Hater

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"I told you they were no good!" April scolded Donnie while pedaling her bike up the street. Donnie sat in the basket as he focused on his phone. I brought my skateboard and rolled next to them. Don and I wore our disguises. "Did I tell you? I know I told you so!"

"You said they were no good", Donnie objected. "You never said they were thieves. So, this is technically your fault."

"Don't you dare point this on me!"

"I have a question", I said before April decided to bitch slap Donnie, "Why am I here? Because knowing you Dee you would keep this on the down low to save yourself the embarrassment and humiliation."

Donnie glanced my way before he refocused on the glowing screen. "You were the first to warn me."

"Excuse me!" April yelled.

"Fine! You were the one to warn me. You tried and I didn't listen. Now I want to bring these little thieves down and get my stuff back." The fact that Donnie admitted stunned me. "Also, you didn't explicitly tell me why I should be wary of the Purple Dragons so in technicality, it's your fault as well."

I felt the vein over my eye pump. "I could just turn around and skate home", I threatened, "Let you clean up "April's mess" which in reality it's your fault." I made to retreat, but I stopped hearing my twin's plea.

"Don't! I need you!" First, Dee needed my help. Now, he's begging? What's going on here?

"Leo, I'm as confused as you are, but if Dee here needs our help, then he's desperate", April reasoned.

"I don't see what I bring to the table, but I'll play along."

"Good", Donnie stated. "We need to find the Purple Dragons before their next heist."

"They got your high-tech gear and they're using it to rob electronic stores? That sounds like a waste", April said. I mentally agreed. Donnie is smarter than the average human brain (or so how he brags). His equipment is powerful even in the wrong hands.

"What if they're testing it?" I asked, aloud.

"Get the feel of my equipment..." Donnie trailed off.

We both looked at each other with wide eyes. "For a bigger heist!" we completed our sentences in realization.

"Anyone wanna fill me in the deets?" April cut in.

"Of course! How did I oversee this? They're planning on cracking the biggest safe they can hack!"

"Like the Nakamura simulator?" Why did that sound familiar?

"Not just a simulator! They were practicing cracking into the internet safe from the Nakamura Enterprise! If they manage to break through, they'll have the World Wide Web right at their fingertips."

"Which means we gotta hustle!" I said putting enough force in my kick.

"Yes! Onward, April. Post haste!"

"Do I look like an Uber driver to you?!"

We rode as fast as our legs could carry us. The Nakamura building was within the horizon. A blast exploded at the top of the building. The Purple Dragons were already inside. We parked at the front.

"They're already started", April stated, "We need to get up there. Any ideas?"

I saw Donnie nod in thought. "We'll go ol' school. Jazz hands!" My brother showed us his palms where he wore sharp claws. He jumped to the building, but he faceplanted on the glass.

"Plan B", April said, pulling Donnie's leg. They head inside. I pulled back. We need to get to the top. I took out my sword. I could summon a portal, but would it take us to them? I had a few successes before if it involves getting to Merrill's place and to April's school (surprisingly). Would I risk it?

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