Stronger Together (part 1)

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Leo shoved me back; a scowl plastered on his lips (or beak if we're getting technical). Okay. Yeah. I may have overdone on the whole "mind-control-bride" gig but I had to get Greg here to believe he had the upper hand. Thank God he's a total tool and not the toolbox if you catch my drift. Oh? You thought I was mind-controlled? You thought I was going to marry Thunder Ass over here? Ya'll are buggin'!

After I was captured, I was in a dreamless sleep until I heard a voice. Dark was with me! How, you might ask. They told me how. They were one of the Beasts I killed; the one I sniffed his smoke after he died. Dark told me to act like Gregory had the upper hand. It wasn't that hard, especially since I was trussed up like a doll. Guy's got decent taste, though. The classic long white dress that showed off my shoulders, soft blush and glossy lips, white heels with tiny bows on them, and to top it off a small crown-like veil on my head.

Overall, I went through the whole makeover without a complaint. I had to go suck it up. If it meant getting to Leo, then so be it. To make a long story short, I made an appearance as Gregory's new bride, and I may have given Leo a heart attack.

So, yeah, current time, Leo angrily shoved me. "You fucking asshole! I was on my way to save you!" he yelled.

"I do appreciate the gesture, Lee. It's adorable", I told him with a soft chuckle, "If it makes you feel better, you did save my ass a few times before. How about we start over? I'll play the helpless damsel in distress, and you'll ride on a white horse to save me."

"Or in the next loop, you'll play Beauty and get married to the jackass over there who looks like he's got no clue what's going on."

I playfully tilted my head, pretending to give it some thought. "Craig may have a nice, firm pair of cheeks but he ain't my type."

Leo quirked an eyeridge. "What's your type?"

I leaned in close to his ear. "You."

He shoved me back earning me to chuckle again. "You're an ass", the slider said with a blush on his cheeks.

"What the hell is going on?!" We turned to see Greg fuming at the scene. His perfect face contorted into a deep frown. I don't know why but I found it satisfying. "You should be MY BRIDE! You should be under my control! I have everything in my hands! I AM GOD!!!"

I huffed as I took off the crowned veil. "Man. Has anyone ever told you you complain like an overgrown man-baby? All I hear is wah, wah, wah. Take the hint, dipshit. We're not going through with your orders anymore", I stated, tossing the veil at the man's feet, "I don't know how many times I've said this, but we're getting the fuck out of here. And the only thing standing in our way is the motherfucking jackass holding the book hostage. As for your attempt to "control me", let's say I was awakened by my darker half."

Gregory's frown became deeper.

Leo stepped forward. "We're not going through with your route of a happy ending. We're going home. We can do this the easy way – where you willingly hand over the book or the hard way – where we kick your ass; side note, it's Merrill's favorite method."

"He's right, I do", I agreed.

"Master! Let me fight with you!" Cuddles yelled. I turned to her seeing fake Raph clutching her head in his giant fist. I stretched my shadow arm to punch the snapping turtle in the face. He took it like a bitch. The real Raph would never go down by my punch. I grabbed my little servant. Cuddles pounced on my face like the face-hugging alien from the Alien movies. "Oh, Master, you saved me!"

I yanked her off. "Save the love fest after we defeat Craig over there."

Mrs. Cuddles saluted. "Yes, sir!"

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