Confronting Light

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I felt warm. It's comfortable like afternoon air breezing through your face. I opened my eyes and noticed I was lying on tall grass. The blades tickled my nose. I sat up seeing my location clearly. I was in a field on a sunny day out in the open. I stood trying to recall my last memories. I knew I was in New York on Halloween night. Me, my brothers, and friends, along with Xander split into pairs to look for the siren. I remembered the siren approaching me and Xander in mystic glamor. Raph and Lydia managed to get to us in time, but the siren let out a high shriek which resulted in my capture. I was tied in a rickety old chair in an abandoned apartment surrounded by many corpses. The siren left going for Merrill. The main corpse, Daniel, let me go while killing himself. I remembered running out of there as the building blew up. I felt angry. I wanted the siren to pay for her crimes. What she did wasn't right! All for the sake of love! It wasn't right!

I shook my head. I shouldn't get angry. As much as I wanted for that fish lady to get her just desserts, I shouldn't... shouldn't... was I going to kill her? No! No... I would never do that!

"Leonardo...?" I looked over at the voice. It belonged to a woman my height with long blue hair and dark eyes. She looked familiar... she flashed me a relieved smile. "We finally meet."

"Who are you?" I asked.

"I thought you would be able to recognize me by now from the various memories you've seen", she replied. She expected me to automatically know who she is! Hold on...

She responded with a soft smile before placing her hands on her hips. "Took you long enough. I expected to have this meeting and greeting much sooner. You're a hard person to get through... well, I have never spoken with a kappa... Or anyone after I died."

I didn't expect Roku's soulmate to be chilled. I was leaning towards a stern woman. I looked at the valley around us. "Where are we?"

"Follow me", Misa said gesturing that I follow her. I was going to protest but she added, "I'll tell you as much as I possibly can." Reluctantly, I followed her anyway. We walked down a hill, coming into view of a small cottage surrounded by many flowers. She sat on the porch and patted the seat next to her. "We are in your sanctuary. A mental reality where your subconscious or soul resides."

"So... I'm not dead?" I asked stating my concern.

Misa chuckled. "Believe me. If you were dead, you wouldn't be here talking to me."

"Great... I think... aren't you the one who talked to me during the Dark Merrill incident?"

"Ah, Dark Merrill... rolls off the tongue, huh?" I stared at the chipper woman. "Right. To answer your question, yes, I did give you the advice to purify your friend." I looked away recalling that event. I let out a fake cough to hide my flushed cheeks.

"Thanks for the advice, anyway."

"You're welcome. I could say the same for Light." I looked over to the blue-haired woman who frowned.

"Light? Who's that?"

"Well... they're a... God... the deity of Light... they're the one who controlled your body last night."

"Back up! I have a living GOD inside my body?!"

"Um... yes? I think Deity would work. Calling them a god would bring up their ego." wow. This was more overwhelming than Merrill telling me we're soulmates and past life lovers. I need a breather when I get back. How do I get back?

"Okay... where is this "Light" person?" If what Misa said is true, then Light should be around here somewhere.

"About that..." I didn't how she gave off a pause. "They... have their own residence..."

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