Three Words was All I Need

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This was the last straw. The nerve... the absolute nerve of my aunt, the clan head! She offered me off to a young noble with military enforcers in his disposal. I was nothing more than a bargaining chip! How disgusting! The noble was known for his open relationships regardless of being with another person. He makes me sick.

I cannot stay here anymore. I need to leave. Maybe Roku wouldn't mind running away with me. What would his reaction be if I told him of my affection? I crept out in secret in the dead of night with limited necessities. I used the shadows as my means of escape; stealth was key. If I were to unleash my ninpo, the clan will be aware of my presence which I am trying to avoid. I was over the border gate when I let a familiar power.

"What are you doing, Rin?" I asked, without meeting my brother's gaze.

Rinmaru descended from the tree. "I should be telling you that, little sister. You're out past curfew." He noticed my sack. "Are you running away?! Why?"

My grip tightened. "Why, you asked... I want to live my life... why? Because my betrothed is narcissistic philanthropist. Why? Because, despite the skills I've mastered, it means nothing if I am a shogi piece on a wooden board." Finally, I turned to my older brother. "And I will fight anyone who stands between me and my freedom."

"And where are you going to go, Misa? Any man who sees you would want you on their bed. Think rationally and return to the manor. I'll let this slide just once."

After I dropped my satchel, I unsheathed my katanas. "I said I'll fight anyone who stands in my way... that includes you, Rinmaru."

My red-haired brother laid his hands on his sais. "Don't do this, Misa. We can talk things through." I almost concede seeing his sad eyes, but I shook it off.

"If I win, you will act as though you never saw me. If you win, I will turn back with no complaint. Do you agree?" I bargained.

Rin only sighed. He knew how stubborn I can be. He twirled his weapon. "First to make their opponent bow in defeat wins."

I took my chance and charged at my new enemy.

Rin had the strength, but I have the speed and ninpo on my side.

I know I can win!

~Lady Ai~

Some dream. I wish I could sleep longer on my bed. I wanted to know what happen to Misa. It was like becoming a part of Dad's soap operas. Maybe if I snuggled deeper into my comfy bed.

The strange thing was... I don't remember my bed being this fluffy. My eyelids felt heavy opening them. Finally, I managed to groggily open my eyes. My "room" was luxurious. I was lying on a soft bed with fluffy pillows and blankets that it felt like sleeping on a cloud. I sat up only for my neck to throb in pain. I massaged it recollecting what transpired before getting here.

My body grew stiff. Xander! That fucking, piece of shit! He bit me and injected some sort of neurotoxin. I'm gonna beat his well-sculptured face if he ever shows up. I threw the blankets off and jumped out of bed.

Unfortunately, I fell. I felt my vein above my eye-popping. My legs are still numb. Fan-FUCKING-tastic! I sat up and lapped my legs. I could a small pain emitting. I should be able to stand soon and when I do, I'm getting out of this luxurious prison! I heard the door jiggling. I crawled to my bed, yet the door opened in time to see me struggling to get on it.

"Oh, sweetness. Let me help you", Xander's voice made my blood boil. I felt his hands on my back, but I slapped them along with adding a heavy slap to his face.

"Don't TOUCH me!" I yelled. "Better yet. You and your posse get out! You're the last person I want to see!"

Xander touched his cheek. Then, his eyes turned red. The next thing I knew, I was thrust onto the mattress. He held my wrists above my head with one hand. I struggled with little effort. I didn't recover from the venom.

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