Let's Get Pretty Again, Bitches!

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These last few days felt like years. Long, agonizing years. I didn't have the energy to do anything. I wanted to stay home, but knowing my teachers they'll blab to the principal and the principal will call my parents and my Mother will be on my ass faster than I can breathe. How irritating. All I've done these past few days was go to school, finish homework, and laze about in my room. Hell, I didn't have the energy to watch movies or play video games. Yeah, that's how pathetic I've become. My servants stayed clear of me. They can already tell to keep their distance. As soon as they finished the day, they left without another word. I didn't bother stopping them. I wanted to be alone. They gave me my space.

Here I am. In my room, I just push my mechanical pencil from side to side. Did I do the right thing? I told Leo about the past life thing. Was it enough? I told him everything... okay, not everything. I was hoping I don't have to tell him about the "disappearing after eighteen" topic after I get my shit together. I already made my to-do list. I just need to get in contact with my aunt. Easy, right? Not! Every time I tried calling her, it went to an automatic voicemail! Ugh! I get she's a brilliant scientist and all, but she couldn't have a lot of projects to complete! Does she?

Man, maybe I should've sent an email.

My bedroom door opened, and I immediately hid my list. I don't know who to trust these days. I saw a tray with a newspaper and a mug of steaming coffee. I looked down to see my unwanted roommate, Mrs. Cuddles. After my dark side incident, Cuddles insisted on staying with me. She followed me around, compliment me, staring at me; I would've been irritated but like I said I didn't have the energy to tell her to fuck off. Her visit would be insufferable if she stopped calling me Master every five seconds.

"I've got your newspaper, Master!" she chirped with praise, "And I've made you a fresh cup of coffee!" Who reads the newspaper? But I don't mind coffee.

I grabbed the tray and put it on my desk. "What did I say about calling me Master?" I asked.

"To not do it!" she answered, hoping onto my bed. How was she so chipper?

"Then why are you keep doing it?"

"Because I respect you!" I sighed. Why was I having a conversation with a talking rabbit from a kids' show? "I thought you like all those other humans, weak and worthless. Then, I get to experience something I never had before. I felt my fear!" I arched an eyebrow. "Before I was kept in that prison, I harnessed fear. Screams were my nectar! Anyone who screams gives me power. But... not once did I face anything that frightened me... until you, Master! Your display of carnage and destruction was a work of art! I never felt so scared in my life. At that moment, I saw my life flash before my eyes.

"...it wasn't a good life. So! I vowed to be by your side as your loyal slave until my last dying breath! I'll follow your orders! I am your servant to command. Punish me if you see me do something you dislike! You are my one and only master." it's official. She's psychotic.

I released a heavy sigh. "Go jump off a building and leave me alone." I laid my head on my desk. I don't need a slave, especially a demonic rabbit who's simping over me.

I heard my balcony door open. I quickly turned around seeing Cuddles on the banister preparing to jump. "What Master commands is my desire!" my face turned mortified. I ran over to her before she leaped. I pulled her back in closing the glass doors in a rush.

"Have you lost your mind?!" I yelled in her face, holding her long ears in my fist. Her body grew a bit. I groaned. How did I forget about her nifty little trick? "What possessed you to jump off the balcony?"

"Master ordered me to jump off the building and to leave him alone. Did Cuddles make a mistake?" Her honesty was annoying. Of course, I told her to jump off the building, but I didn't think she would take that literally!

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