I'll Take it To Go

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I leaped away from the giant kitchen mallet barely smashing me to bits. The mallet's spikes kissing the ground as Rupert Swaggert AKA Meat Sweats AKAA Porky Pig AKAAA Bootleg Gordon Ramseys kept looking at me with such hate. We relocated to the subway graveyard; plenty of space to move around but Meat Sweats kept on my pace. We've been at this song and dance for eight minutes. During my dodge fest, I've been trying to cock my gauntlets to be Iron Fists. Fatass literally damaged the recoil mechanisms. I don't know how long I can hold my ground. Maybe if I can wiggle my wrist a bit, I can take out a smoke pellet.

"I should pound you into tenderloins for losing my main ingredient!" Mr. Sweat Ass snarled. He lifted is weapon with ease.

"I'm not into food kinks. You got to find someone else to fulfill that lil' fantasy", I quipped, still trying to get a pellet out.

"Perhaps I can substitute you instead. How does roasted human bone marrow with Romano cheese, Redmond salt, douse in olive oil, and top with Italian seasoning."

"Sounds tasty unless you count metal as a well-balanced diet." I heard a soft click, my fingers held the feel of a small marble, and I couldn't hold in my grin.

"Why are you smiling? You are by yourself. You have a better chance of going against me with that yummy turtle. I can practically taste his delectable meat." How disgusting. He's drooling all over his already messy clothes.

Without another thought, I flicked the smoke pellet at Meat Sweats' face. He became blind, giving me the perfect opportunity to finally unleash Iron Fist. I ran. I can hear the creak in my mechanical arms as it shifted the extra armor around my fists and forearms. I was within three inches of the mutant pig when I unleashed my punch. I may have punched a little too hard because he flew like a missile hitting against a cart not only denting it but leaving a big hole landing him inside the cart.

I calmly walked to his injured body. "I don't mind you making fun of me or hurting me, it's all fine and good, however, you talk about 'him' even mentioning of harming 'him', I will make it my personal mission to kill you." I glared at the pathetic mutant. I didn't know what came over me. How he mentioned Leo like some meal irked me. Well, it fucking pissed me off.

Meat Sweats, though recovering from the blow, pulled his body out the cart. A creepy smile spread across his face. "Good to know, boy." He pulled out a squirming mutant silverfish probably it was hiding in the cart. His arm transformed into tentacles wrapping his appendages around the mutant. I raised an eyebrow seeing vibrant green veins appearing on the muscles. The silverfish's movements slowly getting stiff; its breathing still. Reminded me of a Venus Flytrap; the plant lured the fly to its sweet, sticky mouth before meeting its demise. I took a step back. Should I intervene? This was giving me bad vibes. I charged. My fist made contact to his stomach; unfortunately, his body shifted. He was one big fatass, he became hundreds of tiny fatasses. They leaped on me. Many of them grabbed on my limbs as one clamped on my face. I walked backwards blindly. I feel my weight losing balance. I rammed my arm against a wall knocking a few tiny piggies. As soon as I felt my arm with freedom, I snatched the face hugger and threw him across. I wasn't aware with each damage they kept multiplying like rabbits. Not to mention, one of those piglets snuck behind my legs and I tripped backwards. I fell and all the piglets laid on my body. I felt grossed all over. One little piggy walked over his clones standing on my chest like he already won the fight. "How does it feel to be a man in piggy's blanket?" he grinned.

"Your voice would be more threatening if it doesn't sound like you've been doped up on helium", I commented. His eye twitched.

"To the kitchen!" he yelled, and his little army bellowed. I felt them lifting me with no frustrations. Whelp, this ain't good.

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