Chapter Two

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- The Glade -

"Welcome to the Glade" Newt answers the girl motioning to the big area with four big walls surrounding it.

"The what?" she asked the boy looking back at him confused "The Glade-" "Newt!" the boy started but was quickly interrupted by another boy walking their way "Just the boy I was looking for" the person interrupting Newt continues walking up to the two, the girl standing behind Newt.

"The guys are taking about a girl coming up the box. is it true? they send a girl up?" the young adult asked the boy in front of him not noticing the girl behind the boy yet. the girl slowly walking out from behind Newt, "Alby, this is the new shebean" The boy introduced the rather darker young adult in front of the two to the girl "Shebean, this is our leader, Alby" Newt turned to the girl introducing the girl to the young adult in front of her "Nice to meet you ya, shebean," the young adult said "Welcome to the Glade" he continued.

"You keep saying 'Glade' but what is that?" the girl asked the young adult - Alby - confused looking up at him "That's a long story, shebean," Alby said "little by little, you'll learn. I'll be takin' you on the tour tomorrow. Till then ... you can stick with Newt here" The young adult added as he looked from the girl to Newt then back at the girl again "Tell me then," the girl called out, wanting to sound tough, and the two boys looked at her confused.

"Tell me the long story" she explained to him. Alby glanced at Newt before looking back at the girl in front of him "Please," she then pleaded just wanting to know where she was. "Where am I?" The girl continued to ask a hint of fear in her voice now. Alby walked up to the girl, her taking a small step back "If you ain't scared," Alby said, "You ain't human." the girl looked at him confused "He means, it's okay to be scared. all of us where when we got here" Newt said explaining to the girl.

"Man," Alby said, while running his hands over his short hair as he let out a long sigh. "I ain't good at this. You're the 15th Greenbean here by now" the girl still kind of confused, just looked at him to keep going "Maybe just wait for the tour, Alby" Newt said, with his thick British accent. Alby spread his arms out, palms up.

"This place is called the Glade, all right? it's where we live, where we eat, where we sleep. We call ourselves the Gladers. That all you gotta know for now" Alby explained to the girl "Day one. Night's comin', runners will be back soon. Ain't no time for the tour today. Tomorrow after breakfast" the young adult continued "A few weeks, shebean, you'll get used to all this. you'll be happy and helpin'. it'll all be okay and make sense" Alby said putting his hand on the girl's shoulders reassuringly before walking off again.

"Now come on, love. I'll show you where you'll sleep for now 'till we get you your own room" Newt turned to the girl before walking off, the girl following close behind as they both walk off to the homestead to find her a hammock.

How I survived in an all boys gladeWhere stories live. Discover now