Chapter Seventeen

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- Dancing in the rain?! -

As we reach the group, I can see the boys just standing around looking out as the water is pouring down. "Oh, come on guys, are you seriously just gonna stand here not doing anything every time it's raining?" I ask them, making them all look over at me and Newt.

"Well yeah, what else can we do?" Zart asks, looking at me cluelessly. "Well, I don't know... maybe... dance in the rain!" I exclaim with a mischievous grin before running off and twirling around in the rain, letting the droplets cascade down my face and arms.

The guys are just staring at me, their expressions a mix of confusion and amusement. I start to sway to an imaginary beat, my laughter merging with the sound of the raindrops hitting the ground. Newt then, decides to join in not long after me, dancing around awkwardly, since there isn't any music, and as he spins me around, the boys start to cheer and whistle at him.

"Go get 'em tiger!" Theo then yells as Newt pulls me close earning another fit of cheers and whistles, and I feel a light blush creep up on my cheeks, as Newt is just laughing awkwardly.

after a while we walk back over to the others again. "Why did you even bother to change when you were just gonna go out in the rain again?" Andrew asks, shaking his head in disbelief.

"Because it's fun, and I don't care about getting wet," I reply with a shrug, causing the boys to exchange a look before laughing and shaking their heads. "You're definitely something else," Minho says with a smile, ruffling my hair. "Hey hey hey, watch the hair" I mock him removing his hand from my head as his hair is probably his most precious thing, making the others burst into laughter.

"Alright, you go change again, before you catch a cold" Newt then suggests, but before he can say or do anything else I let out a small sneeze, causing the boys to erupt in laughter once again. "Told you so," Newt says with a smirk, making me stick my tongue out at him playfully.

"Oh, hey, wait a second" Newt then stops me putting his arm out in front of me pulling me back, as I try to get past him to go change again "What now?" I ask raising an eyebrow. "Here take this" he says handing me one of his hoodies "Thanks" I say as I take the hoodie and make my way to my hut to change once again this time into a brown tank top, a pair of denim shorts, and Newt's gray hoodie.

After changing once again, I make my way back to the boys, and as I get there, I see Minho, Frypan, George, Winston and Zart sitting on the ground, playing a game of cards while Newt is sitting in his hammock talking with some of the other guys. it had stopped raining by now, and since it was raining Alby gave us the rest of the day off, so now we were just doing whatever we wanted.

"Hey, look who finally showed up" Alby then speaks up as I walk up to them, "feeling better now?" he asks with a small smile. "Yeah, I am, thanks for asking" I reply with a smile, taking a seat next to Newt in his hammock. He wraps his arm around me and pulls me closer to him, making me rest my head on his shoulder. "Well, well, well, look at these two lovebirds" Minho teases with a smirk, making me roll my eyes playfully.

"Leave them alone, Minho" George speaks up defending me and Newt. "Yeah, let them be" Frypan adds in. "Yeah" Theo then adds too before looking over at me smirking and wiggling his eyebrows up and down, making me giggle.

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