Chapter Forty-seven

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- an almost kiss? -

(About a week after the Greenie, whose name is Duke, came up the box)

"SHE-BEAN!" I hear Leo yell from outside my hut "No." I just mumble into my pillow not wanting to get up "Come on, Y/n! You already missed breakfast!" he then yells louder I slowly open my eyes and let out a groan as the door to my hut goes up.

"I'm up, I'm up..." I say in defense "Just let me get dressed and I'll be out" I add as I get out of my bed and Leo leaves closing the door behind him, as I make my way to my dresser grabbing a pair of baggy cargo pants, and a light grey tank top, a round neckline cut out long sleeve top in a bit darker shade of gray and put them on, I then grab my tan combat boots and slip them on, before making my way to the stables since Alby made me keeper there as I am the only one who doesn't mind working with the animals.

"Hi" I smile at the pigs as they walk up to me and I fill up their barrel with food then rubbing one behind its ears "Hey, love" I then hear Newt yell from outside the pig's enclosure, I then turn towards the sound and smile at the boy.

"Hi, Newt" I then say as I walk up to him "What are you doing here?" I ask him to raise an eyebrow "Just wanted to see what you were up to, since you missed breakfast" he says with a small smile, and I climb over the tree fence, jumping down hissing in pain at the compact on my ankle, even though its now been almost a year after I spent a night in the maze, trying to save the greenie, my ankle still hurts from time to time if I over stimulates it, which I try not to. So by not running or jumping in it too much.

"You alright?" Newt asks me a look of concern on his face, "Oh, yeah..." I start as I grab a broom and start sweeping the pig pen. "It's just my ankle..." I explain as I put the broom away and head to the chicken coop to collect the eggs "But I'm fine" I add with a small smile, as I walk into the chicken coop gathering the eggs for Fry and putting them in a basket, and as I walk out again, I hear a loud squeal and I see a couple of chickens running away from Newt.

"Wait, what?" I ask as I walk back into the coop and over to him a small laugh escaping my lips "You scared of a couple small chickens?" I tease him as I kneel to try to shoo the chickens out of the way so Newt can get to the eggs "It's not funny, Y/n" Newt just says as he tries to shoo the chickens out of the way too, but as soon as he picks up the eggs a chicken jumps up and pecks him on the face making me laugh even harder.

"Ow!" Newt yells as he quickly put down the eggs on the ground and rubs his cheek where the chicken pecked him "It's not funny" he repeats as he glares at me, and I just can't help but laugh trying to catch my breath. "I'm sorry, Newt" I say as I get up and walk over to him still laughing a little "You better be" he says with a small smile and I turn his head to face me so I can get a better look at his cheek "Let me see" I say as I gently push his hand away and look at his cheek, it's a bit red but nothing too serious, I then look at him and smile "I think you'll survive" I add as I look at him, our faces just inches away from each other, and I look over at the eggs putting them in my basket.

"I think I will too" he then says with a small smile looking down at my lips then back up at my eyes as I look back over at him and I feel my heart skip a beat as I see him looking at me with a small smile on his lips, feeling my cheeks heating up at how close our faces are, he then slowly leans in closer, and I can feel his breath on my face.

"Hey, uh, Y/n?" I then hear Oliver, one of the slicers, ask and I quickly get up from the ground "Yeah, what's up?" I ask as I turn around to face him "Winston said to go get some more cow meat, where do you keep that?" Oliver then ask looking between Newt and I with a confused look on his face "Oh, uh, it's in the slaughtering room" I explain "And where is that?" he then asks confused, I mean I don't blame him it's his first day as a slicer as the building job didn't go as well as he thought it would after he fell from a roof and dislocating his shoulder.

"I'll just show you" I say as I quickly grab the eggs walking out of the chicken coop "I'll see you later" I then turn around to Newt who is walking out of the chicken coop too, and I can't help but smile, I then walk over to Oliver showing him where the slaughtering room is. "So, what was going on in there?" Oliver then asks with a smirk, and I feel my cheeks heating up again "Nothing, we were just getting some eggs for Fry" I explain trying to sound casual "Yeah, sure" he says with a chuckle, and I roll my eyes at him as I help him get the right meat, before getting back to work.

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