Chapter Seventy-three

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- What do you mean we can't leave? -

"Now, what the hell is going on out there?" Newt asks Thomas and Minho as they run back from the Maze, after we heard all the weird noises coming from the Maze. "What the hell you done now, Thomas?" Gally then blames Thomas. Again. "Oh, come on Gally. Give him a break already" I tell him as we follow Thomas and Minho further into the Glade, Thomas giving me a quick smile before looking over at Newt. "We found something, a new passage. We think it could be a way out" Thomas explains and I look up at him in shock.

"Really?" Newt asks him a hint of hope in his voice, "It's true" Minho then starts "We opened a door something I'd never seen before" He continues to tell us, "I think it must be where the Grievers go during the day" he then adds. "Wait. Whoa, whoa, whoa" Chuck then speaks up running up in between Thomas and Minho, "Wait you're saying you found the Grievers' home?" he asks looking up at Minho then over at Thomas, "And you want us to go in?" he then asks them and I look over at Minho in shock.

"Their way in could be our way out, Chuck" Thomas tells Chuck as I walk up beside Newt. "Yeah, or there could be a dozen Grievers on the other side" Gally then says and I let out a deep breath, "For gods sake, Gally..." I mutter under my breath rolling my eyes. "The truth is, Thomas doesn't know what he's done, as usual" Gally then adds making Thomas stop in his tracks turning around to face Gally.

"Yeah, well, at least I did something, Gally" Thomas snaps back and I walk up standing beside Minho now. "I mean, what have you done? Huh?" Thomas then asks him annoyed by Gally's bullshit by now. "Aside from hide behind these walls all the time" he continues to snap at Gally. "Let me tell you something, Greenie. You've been here three days, all right?" Gally then starts "I've been here three years" he then add "Yeah, you've been here three years. And you're still here, Gally" Thomas yells back at him, "What does that tell you?" he continues as I look between him and Gally. "Maybe you should do things differently" he then adds, and I see Teresa walk towards us. "Guys" she tries, but too quietly as no one really hears her, as Thomas and Gally just keeps bickering.

"GUYS!" I then yell at them to help her get their attention, and they all turn to look at me as I just nod my head towards Teresa. "It's Alby" Teresa then says and they all look over at her as I give her a small smile. "He's awake" she then says and we all follow her to the med-hut.

"Has he said anything?" Minho asks as we walk into the med-hut after Teresa. "No." She just says and I see Alby sitting on the bed his back facing us. "Alby?" Newt then asks as he walks up beside him sitting on the bed, and I go to stand beside Fry. "Alby, you all right?" Newt tries as he looks over at him, but Alby doesn't say anything, just stares into the air. Thomas then tries walking up to him, kneeling down in front of Alby. "Hey, Alby" Thomas says looking up at him as I look over at Alby concerned.

"Alby, we might have found a way out of the Maze" Thomas then tells Alby, and Alby just sits there hugging his shirt close to his chest. "You hear me? We could be getting out of here" Thomas keeps trying to get some, any, reaction out of Alby. Alby just shakes his head as I hear him whispering something to Thomas, "We can't leave" Alby then adds and I look at him confused. "Wait, what do you mean, we can't leave?" I then ask him softly as I walk up behind Thomas. "They wont let us" Alby just says still not looking at anyone, just staring at the wall of the med-hut. "What are you talking about?" Thomas asks him confused, and I notice tears starting to form in Alby's eyes.

"I remember" Alby then starts and I look up at Minho before looking back down at Alby. "What do you remember?" Thomas asks him softly and Alby finally turns his head as he looks over at Thomas. "You." He then tells him and I look down at Thomas both confused and in shock. "You were always their favorite, Thomas" he continues, "Always" he then adds before I hear boys screaming and shouting outside the hut, and I look up and over at one of the windows to try and see what's going on.

"Why did you do this? Why did you come here?" Alby then asks Thomas and I look over at him to see a single tear falling down his cheek, before looking back up at the window as he shouting outside continues, and I follow the others outside to see what's going on.

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