Chapter Eighteen

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- A massive headache -

The next morning I am woken up by a massive headache that just won't go away, I stay there lang in bed trying to go back to sleep since the others probably still was asleep, but after an hour or so I decide to just get up anyways, grabbing a pair of brown cargo pants that I was lucky enough had dried off after yesterday, putting them on, I then take the last top from my dresser which is a green t-shirt, putting that on and tying it on the back, and I then grab Newt's hoodie that I still had after yesterday, putting that on as well, as it could get a little chilly in the mornings her in the glade.

I then sit on my bed putting on my tan combat boots, before making my way to the eating area.

"Hey! you actually got up yourself today" Clint points out as I walk into the eating area taking a seat at the table beside Minho not giving any comebacks at his comment like I always do, just eating my breakfast, making the boys look over at me confused.

"Hey, Y/n, you good?" Minho then asks as he puts a hand on my shoulder "yeah, yeah, I'll be fine" I just reply, taking another bite of my food not wanting them to worry about me.

"You sure?" Winston then asks, "You didn't say anything to Clint when he teased you" he then adds sounding concerned, "Really, I'm fine, just a little tired" I try to explain to them, still not wanting to worry them, but also not wanting to tell them about my headache since they would just make me stay in bed the rest of the day, like that was gonna help making the headache go away.

"Hey!" I then hear Billy's cheerful voice behind me along with some of the other boys as they sit down with us, "What's with her?" Gally then asks sitting opposite of me, I just look up at him and give him a small smile not wanting him to worry about as well, "Nothing, just a headache" I tell him trying to convince them that I'm fine.

"You should go back to bed then" Zart tells me, I just give him a small laugh in response, "yeah, not gonna happen" I tell him as I continue eating my breakfast, "Why not?" he then asks confused, "Because I'm fine, now can we please just drop it?" I tell him looking at all of them as I put my fork down, "Fine, but if you need anything just tell us" Alby then tells me, I just give him a small nod and a smile in response as I stand up and put my plate away, before leaving the eating area and head back to my room, grabbing my sketch book then going to the deadheads for some peace and quiet, finding a log to sit up against as I flip through the many pages of drawings, the drawings that I am not gonna show the other guys since its drawings of the outside world, of the things I remember, everything really.

After a while I can hear footsteps getting closer and closer, so I quickly close my sketchbook before the person gets close enough to see it.

"Hi" I then hear a soft voice say and I look around to see Fry standing behind the log that I am sitting up against "Mind if I join?" he then asks looking down at me, "Sure, sit" I smile as I scoot over for him to sit, my headache not being so bad anymore, and we just sit there for a while just talking before he has to get back to prepare lunch, and I offer to help him.

How I survived in an all boys gladeWhere stories live. Discover now