Chapter Forty-eight

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- the tea -

"So...?" Theo asks as we walk into my hut after dinner "So what?" I ask him as I walk over to my bed sitting on it to take off my shoes "So... what's all this about you and Newt almost kissing that Ollie tells me?" he asks with a smirk. Shit. "What do you mean?" I ask, pretending not to know what he's talking about "Come on, you can't fool me," he says, leaning on my desk.

"I saw the way you two were looking at each other at dinner." "It was nothing," I say dismissively, hoping he'll drop it "Nothing?" he raises an eyebrow "You were practically eye-fucking each other." "Theo!" I scold, but I can't help the blush that creeps onto my cheeks. "I'm just saying," he shrugs, "You guys have chemistry." "We do not!" I say, maybe a bit too defensively. "Whatever you say," Theo says with a knowing grin, and I then realize something.

"Wait, did Ollie tell anyone else other than you?" "Nope, just me." "Oh, thank god..." I breathe a sigh of relief as I flop back onto the bed, making Theo chuckle. "I don't want anyone else to know." "Why not?" Theo asks, sitting on the edge of the bed. "Because, if the others know they are just going to tease us with it, and I don't even know IF he was actually going to kiss me or not" I say, closing my eyes and groaning into my pillow. "Well, have you asked him?" Theo asks, and I sit up to look at him.

"No, of course not. I can't just go up to him and be like 'Hey, were you going to kiss me this morning? or was it just something I thought?'" I say, rolling my eyes at the ridiculousness of the situation. "Why not?" Theo asks, "It's not like he's going to bite your head off."

"I know, it's just... awkward," I say, feeling my cheeks heat up again. "But you like him, right?" Theo asks, and I nod. "Yeah, I do. But I don't want to make things weird between us." I tell him "GOD... why does it have to be this hard!" I groan, flopping back onto the bed. "Because you make it hard," Theo teases, and I throw a pillow at him.

"Shut up," I say with a laugh, and he catches the pillow before it hits him. "But seriously," he says, turning serious, "You won't know unless you ask him. And if you don't, you'll always wonder what could have been." I let out a sigh and nod, knowing he's right. "Fine, I'll talk to him." "Good," Theo says with a smile, "But I am going to need some time to do so" I say looking up at him from laying on the bed.

"Whatever you need, I'm here for you," Theo says, giving me a reassuring smile. I smile back at him, grateful to have such a supportive friend. "Thank you, Theo," I say sincerely, "I really appreciate it." "Anytime," he says, "Now what?" he then ask "What do you mean? I just poured my heart out to you" I say with a chuckle.

"I mean, now it just feels weird just coming up with some new subject" he says, also laughing. "What do you mean?" I ask him propping up on my elbows "I've got plenty if things to talk about like... uhm..." I trail off, trying to come up with something, and he just sits there laughing at me struggling "I sure do hope you've got something planned to say to Newt, otherwise it is really going to be awkward if you're just standing there like 'uhm... uh...'" he says in a high-pitched voice, imitating me. I can't help but laugh at his impression of me and suddenly I feel a lot better.

"Gee, Thanks for the pep talk, Theo," I say, still chuckling. "Anytime, my friend," he says with a smile. "Now let's go get some food, I'm starving." he then adds "We just ate" I laugh as he gets up from my bed and offers me a hand "Yeah, but I'm still hungry. I am a growing boy after all," he jokes. I take his hand and let him pull me up. "Plus, I want to hear all about your plan to talk to Newt." I roll my eyes playfully as we leave my hut.

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