Chapter Forty-five

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- The radio -

"Hey, She-bean?!" Tyrell yells as I walk past the box where he and two other Gladers are getting the new things out that came up along with the greenie. "What's up?" I ask walking up to them, "This came up in the box for you" he says handing me some cloth wrapped around something square. "Oh, thanks" I thank him, giving him a questionable look. I unwrap the cloth and find a familiar shape I had been asking for ever since I came up almost two years ago now.

"What is that?" Theo then asks walking up to us, and I look up at him with a big grin on my face "It's a radio!" I say excitedly, looking at it to find the on and off button, since they all know that I remember things from before the glade, I can now talk freely about it. "A what?" Ollie asks and I look over at him. "A radio. A piece of technology that plays music" I explain as I turn it on. "You can't be serious. why would you need something like that in here?" Jack then asks setting down a box of supplies and I shoot him a look. Yes, Jack is still in the Maze, Alby let him stay after he apologized and promised not to do anything like what he did again.

"Well, I happen to like listening to music" I tell him as I try to find a signal "It reminds me of how my dad always would put music on when he was cooking" I explain feeling a lump form in my chest as I remember dancing around in the kitchen with my dad when I was younger. "that's sweet" Ollie then says as he sets down another box on the ground.

"Thanks, I used to dance around the kitchen with my dad all the time when I was younger" I tell them playing around with the signals. "Well, when you get it on, let us know" Theo tells me before walking off, "I have to check up on the animals too, so I'll just try again for the bonfire later tonight" I say as I wrap the cloth around the radio again. "Alright, we'll see you at the bonfire then!" Tyrell shouts after me as I make my way to the stables.

As I get to the stables, I grab a basket of food for the cows and goes over to feed them when I hear the faint sound of music and I turn around to see the radio playing, a big smile on my face, since this is the first time in over a year, I hear music again. I quickly make my way over to the Radio turning up for the music as I recognize the song playing, 'Body Like a Back Road' by Sam Hunt, it being the song my dad would all the time. and I start singing along.

"Got a girl from the Southside" I start as I pick up the bucket again feeding the cows "Got braids in her hair" I continue as I empty the bucket, and make my way over to the pigs "First time I seen her walk by" I sing to myself going into the pig pen to feed them "Man I 'bout fell up out my chair" I sing as I finish up with the pigs and I walk back into the stable dancing around as I start cleaning.

"Had to get her number" I sing as I grab a broom "Took me like six weeks" I continue as I start sweeping the floor of the stable "Now me and her go way back. Like Cadillac seats" I sing as I start dancing around "Body like back road. Driven' with my eyes closed" I sing as close my eyes, imagining my dad teaching me and my brother line dancing as I continue sweeping the floors in the stable. "I know every curve like the back of my hand" I sing as I start doing the choreography that my dad taught me, opening my eyes. As the song ends, I go to turn off the radio since lunch is about to be ready, so I make my way to my hut putting it on my desk, as a single tear falls down my check when remembering all the countless hours I've spent dancing around with my mom, dad and older brother.

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