Chapter Nine

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- A day off -

"After you, M'Lady" Newt smiles opening the door as we make it to my hut, bowing slightly "why thank you, kind sir" I giggle as I slowly make it into the hut, hearing the door closing, and not long after I feel a pair of arms around me again as I make my way over to my bed, Newt helping me sit down.

"Hey, Newt" I ask as Newt is looking around at the small things that I decorated the hut with "Hmm?" he hums to let me know that he was listening "Could you grab a pair of sweatpants from the basket for me?" I ask him, and he turns to me as I point at a basket in the corner "sure, Love" he answers, as I feel small butterflies in my stomach at the nickname, a small smile creeping its way to my lips as he makes his way toward my bed again, then turns around walking towards the door.

"Newt...?" I speak up as he's walking towards the door, and he stops in his tracks "Hmm?" Newt hums turning around again "Could you stay for a while? I mean after I've changed of course?" I ask him not really feeling like being alone since I'm still a little lightheaded from all the blood I've lost "Sure" he smiles at me "I'll just be right outside the door" he assures me before turning back around to the door and walking out, and I slowly make my way to the edge of my bed, trying to take off my bloodstained pants to change into the sweatpants Newt gave me, folding them and laying them on the floor beside my bed, I then try to take off the long-sleeved shirt I had on over a lighter tank-top, since there were some bloodstains on that too, as I hear a soft knock on my door "come in" I call out and I see Newt peeking his head in to make sure it was alright to come in, even though I told him he could.

"Need some help with that...?" Newt chuckles offering me some help as he sees me kinda struggling to get my shirt off with just one hand, "Yes please" I laugh a little as he makes his way towards me and slowly grabs the bottom of my shirt his fingers brushing my waist as he does giving me butterflies in my stomach yet again, and I smile softly up at him before I hiss in pain as he is trying to pull my left hand out of the sleeve without hurting it too much "sorry.." he quickly apologizes before getting my hand out of the sleeve throwing the shirt to where I put my pants, and he then looks back over at me making eye contact with me and I stare into his hazel brown eyes before I look away again scooting over in the bed so I'm leaning against the wall to make space for Newt, and I lay my head on his shoulder as he sits down beside me.

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