Chapter Forty

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- Telling Alby -

"Hey, Lizard!" I smile as I limp up to Newt and Alby, wincing slightly with every step. "Morning, Love" Newt smiles as I stand beside him. "Morning" I nod, before turning to Alby "Say, uh, Alby..." I start but can't seem to find the right words.

"What is it, Y/n?" Alby asks, looking at me with a concerned expression. "It's, uhm... I have something to show you" I say, handing him my sketchbook, my hands trembling slightly. Alby takes the book and opens it, as I stand there nervously, waiting for his reaction.

His expression changing with every page he sees, looking at my sketches in shock "You remember?" Alby then speaks up not taking his eye off my sketchbook "I- I..." I start, but the words die on my lips. "I'm so sorry for not saying anything, I really wanted to, but I was too scared since I didn't know if I could trust you guys yet" I say, my voice shaking. Alby turns to me with a soft expression, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Hey, it's alright, I understand, I'm just glad you came to me with it and didn't keep it to yourself" Alby says, giving me a reassuring smile. I let out a sigh of relief, feeling a weight lifted off my shoulders. "Thank you, Alby" I say, smiling back at him. He nods and hands me back my sketchbook. "Now, let's go grab some breakfast, yeah?" Newt suggests, putting an arm around my shoulder. "Oh, yes please!" I explain as I am starving, Newt and Alby laughing slightly at my remark as we walk to the kitchens.

"Hey, She-bean!" Theo smiles as I sit down beside him "Hey," I smile "I'll go grab something for you to eat" Newt then says as he walks up to Fry to get some food "Wait, where's George?" I then ask as I don't see him "Oh, he said he was feeling good after all and went into the maze anyways" Theo shrugs.

"Though he did look kinda pale..." he adds with a bit of concern in his voice. I furrow my eyebrows, a bit worried about George but I try to push it out of my mind. "Here you go, Love" Newt says, handing me a plate of food. I thank him and start to eat, my stomach growling in appreciation. As we eat, we talk about our plans for the day.

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