Chapter Forty-three

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- Lizard or Teddy bear? -

"Hey, She-bean?" I then hear Newt ask as he walks in looking at something in his hands, before looking up to the mess in my hut, and he looks at the three of us in shock, "I, uh... I found your bracelet..." He says softly holding it up, and I quickly limp over to him taking it with a big smile on my face "Thank you, thank you, thank you" I thank him giving him a big hug "You're welcome" Newt chuckles as I let go of him.

"Well, I better get going now," Minho then speaks up as he makes his way through the mess on the ground, "I, uh... I'll go get some food now, I'm starving" Theo says walking out too, smirking at me on his way out. "I- okay? see you guys later?" I say more like a question than anything, waving at them as they both leave.

"Well... you need help cleaning this mess up?" Newt chuckles walking around my hut, picking up some things that were on the ground, "Oh, no, you don't need to" I quickly say, "I can do it myself" I smile, not wanting to bother him with my mess, "Nonsense, I'm already here, might as well help" He says with a smile, as he walks up to me putting some papers on my desk beside me, "Thank you, it would be much appreciated. Lizard" I then tease, smirking at him as he groans, picking up a few more things.

"Just because my name is the same as a lizard, it doesn't mean you have to call me that, She-bean" He says, rolling his eyes as he picks up a paper that had some scribbles on it, "Oh, so you're not like a lizard?" I question, smirking at him as I pick up some blankets, "No, I'm not. I'm not green, and I don't have scales" He says, smirking back at me as he picks up some more things, "Well, I guess you're right. You're more like a... teddy bear" I then say folding a blanket, smiling at him as he looks at me as he picks up my chair putting it by my desk leaning on the back of it.

"Teddy bear?" he questions, laughing as he shakes his head, "I don't think I've ever been called that before" he says, still chuckling, as I limp over to him with a blanket putting it on my desk.

"Well, I think it suits you" I smile, "But I think I like Lizard more" I say, smirking as I look over at him. "Alright, alright, I get it. I'm a lizard" He groans, shaking his head "And no, I think I prefer teddy bear more" he says, smiling at me "Oh, really?" I question, raising an eyebrow at him, "Yeah, really" He says, smirking at me, "Well then, can you pick up that pile of clothes over there?" I then ask, pointing at the pile of cloths in front of my dresser.

"Yes, ma'am" he says with a mock salute, making me laugh as I watch him pick up the clothes, as I lean on my desk, watching him doing it with ease. "See, you're just like a teddy bear. strong, but gently" I smile, as he looks over at me with a smile, "Thank, she-bean, but you could help out a little here too, you know" he says, smirking at me, "Yea, you know, I could, but were the fun in that?" I say, giggling as he shakes his head, laughing as well.

"Sooo... you good here then? cause if so then I could just-" I try as I try limping over to the door of my hut "Oh, no you don't" he says quickly coming over and picking me up, "Hey!" I laugh trying to get free, as he is just holding me there, "You are not just going to leave me here cleaning up your mess" he then says throwing me on my bed getting on top of me pinning me down with my hands over my head, and I start laughing harder.

"But, but-" I try, but he then cuts me off, "No buts, missy, you made this mess, so you help cleaning it up" he says, smirking at me, as I'm trying to get free from his grip, but failing miserably. "Okay, okay, I'll help" I laugh, as he finally lets me go, getting off of me, as I sit up, still giggling. "Come on, lazy girl, let's get this mess cleaned up" he says, smirking at me, as I roll my eyes playfully, getting up from the bed and starting to help him clean up the mess.

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