Chapter Twenty-four

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- showing the greenie around -

After about an hour or so, the greenie finally calms down and we take him out of the slammer, "What your name?" I then ask the greenie, and he looks over at me with a smirk, "Jack" he tells me in a flirty voice walking up to me towering over me, "Well... Jack," I say as I take a step back "Welcome to the Glade, I'm Y/n, and this is..." I introduce myself before turning around to Newt and Theo "Newt, and Theo" I tell him as I point at the two behind me, and they just give Jack a dirty look.

"Oh! I see the greenie finally calmed down" I Alby then says as he walks up to us, "Y/n, can you show Jack around the glade?" He then asks as he looks over at me, and I just nod my head, turning around facing Newt and Theo "I guess I'll see you later" I smile at them "I'll just be right over by the gardens if you need anything, okay" Newt then says and I just nod before turning back around facing Jack "Alright, come on, we got a lot to see and not a lot of time" I then tell Jack and start walking, Jack walking close behind me.

As I'm showing Jack around the glade, I can feel his eyes on me the whole time, and I can't help but to feel a little uneasy, and I turn around to look at him, "Um... do you mind?" I ask and he just smirks, "Why? You don't like the attention?" He asks and I just roll my eyes and turn back around. "So... Y/n, what do you do around here for fun?" He then asks, and I just shrug my shoulders, "Not much to do here, but we do have a bonfire every time a new greenie comes up the box, this time being you" I tell him, and I can just see the pride in his eyes.

"So, like a party to welcome me?" He asks chuckling, and I just nod my head, "Yeah, something like that" I tell him as we continue to walk around the glade. After a few hours of showing Jack around, we make our way to the eating area as that is the last thing, I haven't showed him, which is on purpose, to time it with when it would be time to eat.

As we get there, the others start to make their way there as well, "So, this is where we eat" I tell Jack as we walk up to Fry who's handing out the food "So, how it feel to get upgraded, She-bean?" Fry asks me as I grab a plate for me and then one for Jack "Would be nicer if you guys stopped calling me she-bean" I then joke, even though I like the nickname they had given me when I first got here myself. "Yeah, I don't think that is gonna happen" he jokes back laughing "She-bean?" Jack then asks confused as we make our way to the table where Newt, Theo, Gally, and Alby is already sat "Long story" I just tell him as I sit down in between Newt and Theo.

We all start eating and chatting, and I can't help but to feel Jacks eyes on me again making me feel uneasy again. "Hey!" I Minho then says as he sits down beside Theo "Hi, Minho" I smile before taking a bite of my food "Now, who do we have here?" Minho then asks looking over at Jack "It's the new greenie" Billy explains to Minho "Oh, Well, welcome to the Glade, Greenie" Minho then says trying his best not to say anything sassy.

"Thanks, and by the way, it's Jack, not Greenie" Jack tell Minho, and I can't help but to chuckle seeing Minho's shocked face. "Yeah, no, that, that's not gonna happen" he then tell Jack, "And what do you mean by that?" Jack then asks Minho, and I can just feel the tension between the two "He means that he's not gonna call you that until the next greenie gets send up" I step in before this all turns into some fight.

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