Chapter Three

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- Drunk Gladers - 

"For your majesty, shebean" An Asian boy said as he hands the girl a plate of food, sitting beside her in front of the bonfire "Why thank you," the girl laugh as she takes the plate from the boy, and he goes to sit beside her.

"So?" the boy then starts as he take a spoonful of the weird looking food-soup "So?" the girl repeated looking from her food to the boy weirdly before taking a little bit of her food trying it "How's your first day been?" the Asian boy asked her after shallowing his food "Minho, you've been by my side since we got introduced this afternoon" the girl laugh "And?" the boy asked "that's only half of your first day, though" he adds looking over at the girl "True. True" the girl said still looking down at her food playing around with it before taking another spoonful.

"So...?" Minho then asked one more time dragging out the 'o' "What do you wanna know? that I was smacked against the metal floor almost four time on my way up here? that I was scared for life when I was met by a couple boys looking down at me? Almost fighting to date me?" The girl then asked putting her empty plate to the side turning to the boy now sitting crisscrossed facing him, him doing the same. The fire warming their sides now.

"Yeah, maybe not that..." Minho just said before he grabbed both their plates getting up to bring them back to the kitchen and the girl moved so she again was facing the bonfire sighing deeply, as flashbacks from her way up slowly crossed her mind, her just staring at the fire in front of her.

"HeYyYyY" she was drawn back by one of the guys sitting beside her "Hey?" she said turning to face him "HoW yOu DoIn'?" the boy asked clearly drunk "Hey, Shank" the girl looked up to see who was talking behind her to see Ably standing behind her his arms crossed staring daggers at the drunk guy beside her "Don't you think it time for you to go to bed now?" he asked the boy

"mE? nOoOo" the boy said as he stumbled trying to get up "I think you do" Alby just said not looking away from the boy "FiNe" the boy finally agreed as he walked off Alby grabbing his drink on his way past him.

"Hey, you good" Alby then turned to the girl, when he was sure the boy was actually going to bed, putting out his hand to help up the girl "Yeah, thanks" the girl smiled up at the young adult in front of her "Hey, Alby! Get over here!" Some guys then yelled the two looking over in the direction of the yelling to see that it was coming from the rest of the boys. Alby patting the girl reassuringly on her shoulder before running off to the small group, leaving the girl all alone. Her deciding to just walk off, sitting against a log, long enough to not be noticed by anymore drunken guys, but still close enough so she could still feel the warmth of the last bits of the bonfire.

How I survived in an all boys gladeWhere stories live. Discover now