Chapter Sixteen

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- Soaked -

As I made my way to the clotheslines, the warm sun still lingered, casting a golden hue across the meadow. The gentle breeze carried the scent of blooming flowers, wrapping me in a comforting embrace. The clothes flapped lazily in the breeze, the vibrant colors dancing in the sunlight.

But as I reached the clotheslines, a single droplet of water landed on my cheek, cool and refreshing. Confused, I looked up and saw dark clouds rolling, almost covering the serene glade in a blanket of grey.  I quickly set about gathering the clothes, feeling the rain pouring down, when I see Justin and Theo come running over to help gather the clothes, at this point I am completely wet along with the clothes too that once was dried of.

"Just bring 'em to the washing hut!" Justin yells as he runs off with a basket full of wet clothes, and a realization then hit me as I grab one of the hoodies that were hanging on the line "OH SHIT!" I yell I frustration "What is it" Theo then asks his voice both filled with worry and confusion "I just remembered all my warm clothes were hanging out here," I confessed, staring at the now thoroughly wet garments.

Theo burst into laughter, his voice ringing out amidst the rain. "Seriously? That's your biggest worry right now?"

"Come on guys! we have to get this inside!" Justin then comes back with an empty basket, and Theo and I make our way to the washing hut to hang up all the wet clothes.

"Could you guys get any wetter?" I hear Minho's laughter as we walk over the sleeping areas, and I look over at the boys to see that their shirt is so soaked that they are sticking to their bodies and realize that I probably also look like that.

"I think I'll just go change really quick" I tell the other boys as I make my way to my hut, luckily it isn't that far away from the boys sleeping area.

As soon as I get to my hut I pull of my shirt, now only wearing my sports bra and jeans, walking over to my makeshift dresser Gally made for me opening the drawer, only to find three shirts left, all of them being tank tops, so I just grab the first one there which is a half button black tank top, I also grab a new sports bra as the one I am wearing is soaked, I then close that drawer and open the next one, to find a pair two pairs of shorts that was left. I really need to ask the creators for some more clothes. I then grab the pair of green shorts putting it on my bed as I take off the rest of my clothes changing into the dry clothes.

"Isn't that a bit cold?" I then hear the familiar British voice in front of me as I put on a pair of boots, I look up to see Newt standing in front of me, soaking wet. "Well, it's not like I have much of a choice, all my clothes are soaked" I reply, trying to ignore the fact that I can see his muscles on his soaked tank top. Newt just chuckles and hands me a towel, "Here, you can use this to dry off your hair, so your dry clothes doesn't get wet" he says with a smile, and I take the towel gratefully, feeling slightly embarrassed for not thinking of that myself.

As I dry off, I can't help but notice how close Newt is standing to me, and I can feel my heart rate increase slightly. I quickly finish drying off feeling much more comfortable now. "Thanks, Newt" I say with a smile, handing him back the towel. He just smiles back, "No problem, love. Now let's go join the others before Minho starts telling ridiculous stories about us". he says, and I laugh as we make our way back to the boys.

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