Chapter Thirteen

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- the inside joke -

"Hey, what are you two laughing so much about?" Justin asks as we make our way to the eating area, interrupting our moment.

I glanced at Theo, silently urging him to come up with a convincing response. Before he could say anything, I jumped in, "Oh, nothing important, really." I hoped my quick response would divert Justin's attention, not wanting to share the real reason behind our laughter at that moment.

But Justin raised an eyebrow, clearly not buying my excuse. "Come on, you can't leave me hanging like that," he insisted, a playful glint in his eyes, ready for the juicy gossip.

Theo and I exchanged a look, sharing a secret smile before bursting into laughter, knowing that some things are better left unsaid, at least for now.

Justin's persistence only fueled our amusement as we continued to dodge his inquiries with vague responses and cryptic remarks. We reveled in the shared bond of this inside joke, finding comfort in the unspoken understanding between Theo and me. Justin's relentless pursuit of the truth only added to the hilarity of the situation as he tried different tactics to unearth our amusement.

As we settled at the table in the eating area, Justin's curiosity reached its peak. "Seriously, guys, spill the beans! I promise I won't tell anyone," he pleaded, his eyes darting between Theo and me, searching for any hint of a revelation.

Theo grinned mischievously, deciding to mess with Justin a bit. "Well, let's just say it's got something to do with Gally's special bonfire drinks," he teased, making Justin's eyes widen in confusion.

"What about my drinks?" Gally then asks looking over at us from the other end of the table, which just makes me, and Theo burst out laughing even more, the confusion among the group intensified. Newt leaned in, his whisper barely audible, "What in the bloody hell are they on about?" The rest of the boys exchanged puzzled glances, trying to decipher the cryptic conversation unfolding before them.

Theo and I struggled to contain our laughter, the absurdity of the situation making it even harder to explain ourselves. Between fits of giggles, I managed to gasp out, "It's a long story, trust me."

But Justin, sensing a gold mine of amusement, was not about to give up. "Come on, spill it already! I need to know what's so funny about Gally's drink," he then asks.

Theo and I shared a glance before I made an excuse to go get some breakfast, with Theo following me to the table laden with eggs and bacon. As I reached for a plate, I hear Theo teasingly whisper in my ear, in the most high pitch girly voice ever, "OMG, you're SO HOT Newt..." "Oh my god! would you stop!?" I laugh a bit too loud as we catch the attention of the others again.

"Okay now you have to tell us!" Clint then pleads as we make our way back to the table "Sorry, no can't do" I just simply tell them as I take a bit of my eggs. But they wouldn't take no for an answer and tried to make me, and Theo tell them all the way through breakfast.

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