Chapter Fifty-five

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- Calm, calm, calm -

"Woah, hey" Tyrell then says out of nowhere as we are sweeping the floors in the stables, and I look over at him following his gaze. "Oh, god..." I say as I see the Greenie getting dangerously close to the doors. "Come on!" I then say as I see Gally walking up to the Greenie in full speed.

"HEY!" I then hear Gally yell and I quickly run up to them, as Gally shoves the Greenie to the side. "GALLY! Knock it off!" I yell at him seeing him walk up to the Greenie. "All right, calm, calm, calm." Gally then says "Hey, don't touch me!" the Greenie then yells as he quickly gets up from the ground, and the other boys now come running over too. "Woah, take it easy." Gally tries to calm down the Greenie "Take it easy. Just relax" He adds, as I and Tyrell catch up to them.

"Yeah, like his gonna relax after you just shoved him as far as he is tall" I say as I walk a few steps forwards before I fell a pair of hands wrap around my wrist and it urn around to see Theo pulling me back. "Hey, what the hell is wrong with you guys?" The Greenie then asks "HEY! Watch your language in front of the kid" I then tell him pointing over at Chuck, who's just standing there looking at it all go down.

"Just calm down, all right?" Newt then tells the Greenie as he runs up beside me, putting his one arm out to the Greenie, and the other in front of me. "No." the Greenie says looking around at all the guys running up towards him, "Why wont you tell me what's out there?" he then asks "Just trying to protect you" Alby tries to tell him.

"For your own good" Newt then says as him and Alby walks up to the Greenie. "You guys can't just keep me here!" the Greenie then yells and I look over at Tyrell, "Well, that's a new one" I whisper to him, as none of the other Greenies has accused us of keeping them captive here.

"I can't let you leave" Alby tells him getting very serious now, "Why not?" the Greenie then asks confused, before the walls start rumbling, and everyone goes silent, the Greenie turning around to see what's going on, as wind start blowing into the Glade, and I turn around facing Theo, hiding my face from the sand getting blown at us, before the doors then start closing.

"Next time, I'm gonna let you leave" Gally then tells the Greenie after he doors have closed, as he walks past him. "And who's gonna hold back She-bean then?" Tyrell then jokes causing the guys to laugh, the Greenie still looking at the doors, and I walk off again with Tyrell towards the stables to finish up cleaning.

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