Chapter Forty-two

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- lost bracelet -

The next morning, I wake up really early worried about George, is this how the other guys felt when I was in the maze? I slowly get out of my bed limping over to my dresser my ankle hurting more than ever right now, I put on a pair of green shorts, but as I'm putting on a tank top, I notice that I'm not wearing my bracelet that I found in a small box when I first came to the glade, and I start to panic since I haven't taken it off since.

"Shit, shit, shit..." I say to myself looking all over my hut for it, but can't find it anywhere, as I start to panic even more, since it's the only thing that I have from before this maze, the only thing that reminds me of who I was before this shithole.

"Please be here..." I say to myself as I limp around my hut looking under my bed, in drawers, even in my dirty laundry to see if it had slipped off into that. when I hear a soft knock on my door. "Come in!" I yell as I look through my dresser, not having time to open it for the person on the other side.

"He-woah..." I hear Theo as he opens the door to see the mess, I've made looking for my bracelet. "What the hell are you doing?" he asks coming into my hut. "I can't find my bracelet" I tell him limping around "Woah, hey" he then says as he puts his arm out grabbing my waist pulling me back as I walk past him "slow down a bit there..." he says helping over to my now messed up bed.

"I- I can't find it, I've looked under my bed, in all my drawers, twice, even my dirty laundry..." I tell him as I trace my hand over the spot it's always in, trying to play with it like I always do when I'm stressed out. "Yooo, what happened here?" I then hear Minho ask and I stand up looking over Theo's shoulders to see Minho standing in the doorway all geared up to go in the maze.

"I lost my bracelet" I explain as I limp past Theo trying not to fall over the things laying around on the ground, Minho walking into my hut leaning on my desk, "well, you need any help looking before I have to go in the maze?" Minho asks, "Yes please" I smile before we all start looking for it.

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