Chapter Seventy-seven

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- What if they come back? -

"Hey Lizard" I say walking up beside Newt as two Gladers throw an 'unconscious' Thomas to the ground, he just gives me a small smile before grabbing my hand drawing small circles on the back of it. "This is such a waste" I then hear Gally and I look over at him to see him standing by Thomas and the other two Gladers, before looking around at the others spotting Minho walking over here now two giving him a small smile before turning back to look over at Gally. "Gally..." Winston then says and I look over in his direction. "It doesn't feel right, man" Winton then adds.

"Yeah, what if Thomas is right?" Jeff then asks from beside Winston, "maybe he can lead us home" he adds as Fry walks up beside him. "We are home" Gally just says as he walks a bit forwards, "Okay?" he then adds as he looks at Jeff and Winston, "I don't wanna have to cross any more names off that wall" he then looks back at the walls with everyones names on it, a lot of them being crossed out, being the ones we've lost to either the Maze or sicknesses.

"You really think banishing us is gonna solve anything?" Teresa then speaks up getting Gally's attention along with everyone else. "No." Gally just sys as he looks back at her, and I look up at Newt with a confused look on my face, but he looks just as confused as I do, and I look back over at Gally. "But this isn't a banishing... its an offering" Gally then says and my confused face turns to a shocked one, Newt then lets go of my hand letting my hand fall to my side. "What? Wait! Gally, what are you doing?" Teresa then asks him as the Gladers holding her shoves her to the pole tying her hands above her head to the pole.

"You really think I'm gonna let Thomas back into the Maze after what he has done?" Gally asks Teresa, "Look around you!" he then yells out as he turns around looking around at the Glade that's been destroyed by the Grievers. "Look at our Glade!" he then adds making some of the boys look around at the smoke flying from the once burning huts, "This is the only way" Gally continues and I fell Newt grabbing my hand again giving it a squeeze making me look up at him as he looks over at Minho giving him the signal.

"And when the Grievers get what they came here for..." Gally trails off as he looks around at everyone, "everything goes back to the way it was" he adds, "And what if it don't?" I then speak up asking Gally making him look over at me, "What if they come back again? What if they keep coming back till there's nothing left to come back for?" I ask him with a serious look on my face. "Are you just gonna keep  sacrificing people till they stop then? Because if you are I will not be staying here to watch!" I now yell at him, I can see the rage in his eyes as he looks back over at me.

"Are you done?" Gally then asks me giving me an annoyed look. "No, I am not!" I yell at him, about to take a step forward but Newt grabs my wrist pulling me back. "How can you even be sure they aren't gonna come back?" I then ask Gally as I look up at him again, he just stands there glaring at me before looking back at the guys by Thomas. "Just tie her up already" he then tells them, and my heart skips a beat. "What...?" I say more in a whisper this time as Newt pushes me behind him.

"Woah! Hey!" Theo then starts as he comes up beside Newt now trying to stop the guys. "What have she ever done to you? yeah, she sometimes don't know when not to speak, but that doesn't make it a reason to sacrifice her too!" Theo says as he keeps the guys away. "Fine, but make her shut up!" Gally just tells them annoyed, as I slowly make my way in-between Theo and Newt now. "Are you listening to this?" Teresa then speaks up as the two guys walk up to Thomas again. "Why are you all just standing there? He's crazy!" she yells out at the others. "You shut up too." Gally just tells her getting really annoyed now.

"If you stay here, the Griever are going to come back." Teresa continues, backing me up. "They're gonna come back, and they're gonna keep coming back util you're all dead!" she adds trying to convince everyone to stop this. "Shut up!" Gally then yells annoyed before looking over at Thomas and the two other guys over him. "Tie him up!" he yells at them, but they just stand there looking at him, "Do you hear me? I said tie him up!" Gally then yells at them annoyed and they go to pick up Thomas to tie him to the pole beside Teresa's. But as they pick up Thomas, he hits one of them in the stomach with his elbow quickly getting on his feet grabbing the spear one of the guys had put on the ground to pick up Thomas hitting him in the head with it.

Newt quickly pulls out his knife hitting the other guy in the back of his head with the wood part of the knife making him fall to the ground, as I follow Theo up beside Thomas, and I look over at Teresa to see her hitting one of the guys right between the legs. "Nice hit!" I yell at her as she gives me a small smile before Fry cuts her hands loose and they run up to beside Thomas on the other side of him. "Remind me not to get on their bad sides..." I then hear Theo say to Newt as he and the others walks up to us, making Newt chuckle slightly.

"You're full of surprises, aren't you?" Gally just says as he look over at us. "You don't have to come with us, but we are leaving" Thomas just tells Gally keeping his spear raised if any of the guys would attack. "Anyone else who wants to come, now is your last chance" he then says as I look around at all the other guys spotting Tyrell standing beside Jason in the back. "don't listen to his, he's just trying to scare you" Gally then tells the other guys "No, I'm not trying to scare you. You're already scared, alright?" Thomas interrupts Gally, "I'm scared... But I'd rather risk my life out there than spending the rest of it in here" he continues as he looks at all the other guys standing before him. "We don't belong here" he then adds, "This place isn't our home. we were put here. We were trapped here." he continues as they start looking around at each other, Tyrell then look over at me, and I see a hit of fear in his eyes.

"At least, out there we have a choice" Thomas tells them "We can make it out of here... I know that" he then says as they all just kinda stands there for a second before Gally then walk forwards about to say something when Winston walks up to us, followed by Tyrell and Jason, then Jeff and a couple more guys as they all walk up beside us. "Gally, its over" Thomas says as Gally looks around at the few guys left behind him. "Just come with us" Thomas then tries one last time, Gally just stands there for a second looking down at the ground, before looking back up. "Good luck against the Grievers" is all Gally says before Everyone start turning towards the Maze and I look back at him one last time before Minho throws an arm around my shoulders pulling me with them into the Maze, making our way to the Grievers home, and our way out.

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