Chapter Eight

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- A Slicers accident -

"SHIT!" I yell out in pain as I accidentally cut myself in the palm of my hand as I was trying to cut up a hard piece of meat, the knife sliding off cutting my hand, that was right beside it to hold down the meat, and just then I start hearing footsteps coming closer, and fast, as I quickly grab a somewhat clean towel from a basket on the floor to the side.

"Y/n?!" I hear a thick British accent call out. Shit. I think to myself as I turn around to see Newt standing in the door with a worried expression on his face, as he's eyes moves down to my right hand holding onto a blood filled cloth covering my left hand "Love...?" he then asks almost in a whisper slowly making his way towards me, the other boys now running in the door too seeing my pale face as Jeff pushes his way past the curious boys and towards me, their voices now all being a blur as I feel a pair of arms around me before I fall into them passing out hearing the boys yelling my name before everything goes black "Y/N?!" "SHE-BEAN?!"


I slowly open my eyes as I can hear boys muttering around me, to see them all standing around my bed "How long are you guys going to stand around my bed like a bunch of creepers?" I ask them making them all look in my direction "Love...?" a thick British voice then asks softly from the crowd of guys in front of me and I instantly know who it is, since he's the only British boy in this shithole "How are you feeling?" Newt walks out from behind the guys and towards me "I'm fine..." I tell him as I try to get up but fall right into his arms as I go to stand up.

"Woah there" Newt speaks up catching me "Y/n, you've lost a lot of blood" Jeff then explains to me as Newt helps me down on the bed again "you have to rest" he continues "can I at least stay in my hut then?" I question not wanting to spend the night in the med-jacks hut. "I mean, I don't see a reason not to" Jeff answers "Newt, could you help her to her hut?" he the looks over at Newt, who is still standing beside the bed "yea, of course" Newt answers then bending down picking me up bridal style, and I can just feel the other guys staring at us as he carries me out the hut leaving the rest of the guys still in the room I was in.

"Newt, you can put me down now" I smile up at him taking in his features, his hazel brown eyes, his sharp jawline, how his blond hair falls on his forehead "it's just a cut on my hand, not my leg" I try to tell him and he looks down at me "you sure you can walk yourself?" he asks me with a worried look on his face "I'm sure Newt" I answer him "Alright, but the second you as much as trip over your own feet I'm picking you up again" he gives in as he slowly puts me down, but keeps an arm wrapped around my waist as we continue walking to my hut.

How I survived in an all boys gladeWhere stories live. Discover now