Chapter Sixty

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- stung in broad daylight -

"Hey!" I hear Thomas yell just as I walk up to Tyrell in the stables. "You've got to be kidding me..." mutter before turning around to see what's going on. "Help!" Thomas then screams and I turn around to look at Tyrell before he then start running to where the yelling is coming from. I quickly follow him, my heart racing with worry, as Thomas keeps yelling for help.

and when we get to the gardens I spot Thomas running out of the woods, Ben following after him, and it almost looks like he is chasing him. "Oh, shit!" I then exclaim as the realization hits, and I see that Ben really is chasing him and that Thomas is terrified. I pick up my pace running as fast as I can, Tyrell right behind me, as some of the other Gladers run towards them too.

"SHIT!" I yell as Ben then lunges at Thomas, as they fall to the ground, and Thomas tries to get away from him. But Ben quickly grabs Thomas's leg getting on top of him. "I'll kill you!" Ben then yells at Thomas as he is trying to choke him. "Hey!" Newt then yells for Ben before smashing him in the head with a shovel, Ben falling over on his back beside Thomas, "Hold him down" Gally then says as he, Fry and Newt quickly grabs his legs and arms holding ben down, and I run up beside Thomas as he quickly gets up on his feet.

"Hey, are you okay?" I ask Thomas looking at him to see if he's been injured, "Yea, yeah, ill be fine" he says and I look back at ben as The three boys are struggling to hold him down. "Calm down" Gally tells Ben holding one arm, "What are you doing?" Newt then asks Ben holding down the other. "Calm down, Ben" Gally tells Ben again through gritted teeth.

"Yo, what the hell happened?" Fry then asks wanting to know why the hell Ben just started attacking Thomas, "He just attacked me" Thomas explains as Chuck then walks up on the other side of Thomas, "You okay?" Chuck asks Thomas giving him a small nod, "Calm down, Ben" Gally then says again, this time more calm, as Alby now walks up to them.

"Wait," I then speak up as I notice some blood on Ben's shirt "What happened to his shirt" I ask as I point at the blood stain, "No. No. No" Ben then starts to panic again as Alby also notice it. "Alright, lift his shirt" Alby then orders one of the Gladers, Ben panicking even more now. "I didn't mean it" Ben starts yelling trying to get out of the grip of the three boys.

"Lift the shirt" Alby then repeats himself, "Ugh! No! No!" Ben then yells and Theo quickly kneels down beside them lifting Ben's shirt up, revealing a sting from a Griever. "Oh, god..." I mutter in disbelief putting my hand up to my mouth. "no, no, please. Please" Ben tries as some of the boys back away a few steps, and I just stand there shocked, that something like that could happen, and then in broad daylight.

"He's been stung" Gally then points out the obvious, "In the middle of the day?" Gally now asks turns to look at Alby. "Help me, please" Ben then sobs "please. Please, just help" he adds as I feel someone grabbing my hand and I look to the side to see Chuck now standing beside me, looking a bit, as I squeeze his hand a little, letting him know it's gonna be alright.

I then turn back around to Alby and the boys holding down Ben. "Put him in the pit" Alby just orders as he gets up from the ground again, "Come on. Everybody help. Take him to the pit" Duke then says as they start pulling Ben up from the ground. "No! No!" Ben starts protesting trying to get free from the boys holding him, "Medjack!" Newt then yells, for them to help, Jeff and Clint quickly running over to them to help.

"Please! Please don't do it!" Ben pleads as Theo walks up beside me putting an arm around me, since I'm now just standing there looking at Ben and the others in shock. "Calm down, Ben" Gally then starts again trying to get him to calm down.

"Get off of me! Get off of me!" Ben screams as they try to get him up from the ground. "Calm down" Newt just says as they pick him up carrying him to the pit "Please, no! You don't understand!" Ben pleads as they are carrying him away towards the pit. Theo hen pulls me with him away from there, as I hear Ben screaming for them to let him go, and things like 'he did this'. The rest of the boys walking back to what they were doing after standing there for a bit.

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