Chapter Fifty-two

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- Can't sleep -

That night I'm lying in bed not being able to fall asleep since every time I close my eyes, I see a woman dressed in all white telling me something about WICKED being good, when I hear someone walking outside my door. I immediately sit up grabbing my combat boots and slipping them on. I quietly open the door to my hut to see Newt sitting in the middle of the glade just looking up at the stars, so I slowly make my way over to him, only in a tank top, and a pair of sweatpants.

"Hey, Lizard" I say in an almost whisper as I walk up to Newt. "Hi" he says not looking away from the sky, "what are you doing up so late?" I as him as I sit down beside him on the grass, "Could ask you the same" he replies with a small smile. I shrug my shoulders, "Same as you I guess, just couldn't sleep" I say looking up at the stars as well. "But really why go out here?" I ask, wanting to know the real reason he was out here.

"Just looking at the stars, wandering how many there might be up there, I guess" he tells me, and I look at him confused "you know it's pointless to count the stars, right?" I ask him "it's also pointless to count freckles, but I know you have 24 on your right hand" he replies not looking away from the sky and I just look at him in disbelief "h-how do you know that?" I ask as I feel my cheeks warming up.

"What do you think I've been doing every time I took your hands and started tracing my finger on them?" Newt finally turns to me with a small smirk on his face "...drawing...?" I say more like a question, making him chuckle lightly "Seriously? You thought I was drawing on your hand?" He says as he looks at me with a smile "well I didn't think you were counting the freckles" I say, and he just laughs at me.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't be laughing" he says as he places a hand on my shoulder "it's just cute that you thought that" he smiles, and I feel my cheeks getting warmer. We stay in silence for a few minutes, just looking up at the stars and enjoying each other's company.

"Well, I think I'll try get at least a little bit of sleep now" Newt breaks the silence and gets up from the ground, holding out a hand for me to take and I gladly take it, and we make our way back to the sleeping areas. "Night, Lizard..." I whisper as I turn around to go back to my hut, "Night, Love" Newt replies with a smile and I feel my heart flutter at the nickname, even though he always calls me that.

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