Chapter Fifty-three

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- Not the best condition -

"Hey, what's that sound?" Chuck asks as he helps me collect the eggs and I turn around hearing the Greenie alarm, quickly putting down the basket "It's the new Greenie, coming up" I explain to him as I quickly run over to the box, Chuck following close behind.

"Hey, Lizard" I smile as I walk up beside Newt. "I- Hi!" Theo then says sounding offended and huffs, crossing his arms over his chest, "Hi, Theo" I chuckle, waving at him as he is standing on the other side of Newt, before turning to look at the box as the light turns green and Tyrell and Alex opens it, revealing a scared and confused looking Greenie as the guys all walk closer to the opening of the box, laughing and chatting about the Greenie.

"Okay, go get him" one of the boys then says before Gally jumps into the box down to the Greenie. "Day one, Greenie. Rise and shine" ha says before pulling him out of the box and I push chuck back behind me, so he isn't in the way of the Greenie, as he falls to the ground.

"Kid looks like a Slopper to me" one of the guys then says as they all circle around the scared Greenie and I pull chuck with me a few steps away from them. "I could use some help in the kitchen" Fry then says as they all start laughing, not long after the Greenie sets off running as the other guys is just standing there staring at him run off. "Hey, we got a runner!" Zart then yells and I walk past the boys to see the Greenie headed for the maze.

"Not again..." I mumble to myself before running after him, not wanting another Greenie running off into the maze, but before I could get the chance to catch up to him he falls face first. "Ow! that gotta hurt" I say as I slow down my pace, the boys laughing behind me. "Watch it there, Greenie" one of the guys yells at the Greenie, "Nice" another one says, as some oof the others whoops at the Greenie. "Take it all in. be here a long time"

"Hey... God, you can run huh?" I pant as I catch up to the Greenie, resting my hands on my knees, as the boys comes running up to us, grabbing the Greenie before dragging him to the slammers.

"Hey, you good?" Tyrell then asks as he walks up behind me putting his hand on my back. "I-... yea... yeah, I'll live..." I tell him breathing heavily, before standing back up straight again, "God, I don't have a good condition..." I complain, as Tyrell just chuckles, as we walk over to the stables.

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