Chapter Eighty-one

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- What now? -

"Is it over?" Chuck asks after a door behind us opened, leading to another door that one still being closed, making us all turn towards it. "She said we were important" Newt then says as he looks down at me, "Then why is it this easy?" I then ask out, really not to anyone specific. "What are we supposed to do now?" Newt asks as he looks up over at Minho and Theo before looking over at Thomas, and I look over at hime as well. "I don't know" is all Thomas lets out, "Lets get out of here" he then adds as he looks up at the open door.

"Well, lets go then" I then speak up, walking up in between him and Minho, as he kinda just stands there for a second before everyone begins to walk forwards, but we don't even get to take one step before we are interrupted by a much too familiar voice. "No." Gally calls out making everyone turn around facing him, and I notice him holding a gun to his side. Oh god...

"Gally?" Thomas calls out for him confused as he try to walk up to him, but Teresa quickly stops him. "Don't" She just tells him putting a hand on his shoulder, and I look back over at Gally noticing the black veins running up his neck. "He's been stung..." I breathe out, before Gally then throws a stinger on the ground. "We can't leave" Gally then tells us as I notice the tears forming in his eyes, threatening to fall.

"We did. Gally, we're out" Thomas trying to convince him, but it's really not use since he's already been stung. "We're free" Thomas then adds, and I look down at the gun in Gally's hand seeing his hand shaking. "Free?" Gally just asks him letting out a small sob. "You think we're free out there?" He then asks Thomas as he throws his hand that isn't holding the gun up in the air before letting in fall back to his side.

"No. No, there's no escape from this place" he then says slowly raising the gun pointing it at us, making Thomas slowly raise his hand at him. "Gally, listen to me" Thomas then tries as Theo slowly reaches an arm in front of me slowly pushing me behind him. "You're not thinking straight" Thomas then adds trying to get Gally to calm down and lower the gun. "You're not" he continues as I look over at Minho seeing him tighten his grip on his spear. "But, we can help you" Thomas keeps trying, "Just but down the gun" he then adds and I look over at Thomas.

"I belong to the Maze" Gally just says tears falling down his face. "Just put down the gun" Thomas tries again, but it's really no use. "We all do" Gally just says, making Minho throw his spear at Gally as he pulls the trigger. "No!" I yell out as the loud bang fills the room, Gally falling on his knees as Minho hits him right in the chest with the spear, gasping for air before falling to the ground on his side.

"Thomas..." Chuck then speaks up and I look over at him just before his legs give out under him, Thomas quickly catching him, laying him down on the ground and I notice his shirt turning red, as blood uses out of his chest. "Chuck...?" I gasp. quickly walking up between Newt and Minho to help. "Look at me, look at me!" Thomas tells Chuck as he holds onto him. "Oh, shit!" Thomas then cries out. "Chuck, look at me, all right?" he keeps trying as he shakes him. "I got you, buddy. Just hang on" Thomas continues as Newt, Minho and Theo bends down over Chuck and Thomas, and I put a hand over my mouth, tears forming in my eyes threatening to fall.

Thomas, Thomas..." Chuck then speaks up grabbing Thomas' shoulder with one hand, holding a wooden figure with the other. "No. No, Chuck. You're gonna give it to them yourself. Remember, I told you that." Thomas tells him as he pushes it back to Chuck. "Take it" Chuck demands him as he struggles breathing, Thomas just pushing it back at him telling him no. Chuck just looks up at Thomas with tired eyes, barely being able to keep them open. "Thank you" Chuck then says as he shoves the wooden figure into Thomas' hands, "Thank you" he repeats now looking up at the ceiling. The tears in my eyes sliding down my cheek, and I quickly wipe them away as I look down at Thomas and Chuck.

"Chuck? Hey" Thomas then calls out as he starts shaking him again. "Hey, Chuck, come on!" he tries again. "Come on, wake up!" Thomas cries, before burying his head in Chuck's chest sobbing. "Shit!" I then call out hitting my hand on the nearest surface, being one of the tables by all the screens in the middle of the room, hitting it right down on a piece of glass sticking upright, making it go right into the side of my hand giving me a pretty deep cut, as my body fills with rage towards WICKED for putting us through all this.

"Come on, we made it. Come on!" Thomas calls out for Chuck, as tears falls down my face, the anger within me building up more and more. I look over at Newt, and notice him looking over at me, and then Chuck, then back at me again. He sees the tears in my eyes, before looking down at my hands, which I have now started clenching tightly without even realizing it. He just wraps his arm around me, pulling me close to him as I put my hands on his chest, and I rest my head on his shoulder, the tears still falling down my face. "God damn it!" Thomas then yells out, Newt holding onto my tightly. I look over at Thomas crying over Chuck's dead body, before the last door opens letting in a painfully sharp light, making me turn back around towards Newt shielding my eyes from the light.

I turn back around again to then see armed men running through the door, Newt hesitantly lets go of me as the men leads us out the doors, pushing us to go faster as I can still hear Thomas calling out for Chuck and I quickly look back to see Thomas still over Chuck crying, before a sharp pain shoots up my hand making me groan in pain, as I look down to se one of the men trying to grab my wrist but hitting the deep cut from when and I quickly pull it to my side as I follow the men out of the building, leaving Chuck and Gally behind.

When I run out of the door, all I see is sand, for miles and miles ahead as I keep running for a helicopter waiting for us. "You guys all right?" one of the men then asks us taking of his mask, as Thomas jumps into the helicopter, and they shot the doors to the helicopter. "Don't worry" he then says as I look up the guys making sure everyone is there. "You're safe now" he then tells us before giving the pilot some kind of signal as the helicopter then starts taking off.

I move over to the door so I'm now sitting in front of Newt as I look out the window to see the whole Maze from above, a shock expression on my face as it hits me how big it really is. "Relax, kid" the man then says and I turn around to face him, "Everything is gonna change" he then adds as I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist pulling me back, I know its Newt as I lean my head back on his shoulder and put my arms over his. "Everything already has..." I whisper to him, he then kisses the top of my head as we keep looking out the window, as I keep thinking about what just happened, what we had to leave behind. Who we had to leave behind.

"Hey, Y/n?" I am pulled out of my thoughts as I hear someone calling out my name, and I look around to see Minho looking over at me. "What happened to your hand?" he then asks concerned and I look down at my still bleeding hand, then back up at him, totally forgetting about it for a second. "I- I hit a piece of glass when I hit the table" I explain before I then rip off a part of my gray shirt trying to tie it around my hand. "Here" the man then says as he leans over to towards me reacting out his hands, "Let me help you with that" he smiles at me before I hand him the cloth and he ties it around my hand tightly making me hiss in pain.

"Well, get it some proper care when we get back, for now this should do" he then tells me as he leans back, and I give him a small smile nodding at him before leaning back up against Newt, before looking over at Minho giving him a quick nod telling him I'm fine before looking back out the window to see the sun setting, as I feel my eyes getting heavier and heavier before sleep take over me.

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