Chapter Thirty-six

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- a couple weeks later -

"Careful..." Newt tells me as he and Minho help me walk, or I mean, help and help, they are doing most of the work since I can't even lay down without my ankle hurting. "If you tell me to be careful one more time, I swear to god I'll smack you in the head with a book" I snap at him, trying to hide the pain in my voice, as they help me down on my bed.

"So...?" I then ask as I slowly scoot over to sit up against the wall my bed is put up against, already bored out of my mind, "what now?" I add looking around in my hut trying to find something to do, Minho grabbed a chair and sat on it backwards, a habit of his. Newt sat beside me on the bed, and Theo leaned against my desk. They all looked at me with a mix of concern and amusement, knowing that I was not one to sit still for too long. "Well, we could play a game of cards," Theo suggested. "Or we could just talk," Newt added.

"I don't know about you guys, but I could use a good nap," Minho said with a yawn before getting up and then walking over to my bed laying down on the small scape left "This bed is actually pretty comfortable." he then says "considering the small space I got" he adds making us all laugh, and Newt grabs my hand drawing with his finger on it as we all just sit there and chat.

"If you could travel back in time and kill you own grandfather, would you still exist?" I ask out of the blue after just sitting around not really doing anything, catching the guys of guard, making them all look at me. "What the hell kind of question is that?" Minho asks, as he sits up, turning to face me. "What? I'm bored," I reply, as I look at Minho. "So, you ask a question like that?" Newt asks laughing slightly as he lets go of my hand.

"I don't know what I was thinking." I say with a smile. Newt just rolls his eyes, as Theo let out a soft chuckle. "Well, if you did, then you wouldn't exist, because if you killed your grandfather, your mother or father wouldn't be born, which means that neither would you." Theo replied, with a smile.

"Yeah, but if you don't exist, then how could you kill your grandfather?" I ask, as Minho sits up leaning back against the wall. "She got a point though," Minho adds with a smile. "Exactly," I say with a small smirk, happy to have stumped them with my question. "I mean think about it," I start "If you kill your grandfather, then your parents wouldn't meet each other since one of them won't be born, so you wouldn't be born," I continue explaining my theory.

"But if you aren't born then you can't go back in time and kill your grandfather, so then both your parent would live and you would exist, but then later on you would go back in time and kill you grandfather- and I just confused myself" I end with a laugh and a smile. They all look at me with confused looks on their faces, trying to wrap their minds around the paradox. "Well, I think it's safe to say we won't be time traveling anytime soon," Newt says with a laugh, breaking the silence.

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