Chapter Seventy-two

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- "This is just hilarious" -

"Come down here!" Gally screams as I and Tyrell run up to the guys as the girl as throwing rocks and other different things at them. "You really think she'll come down when you're screaming at her like that?" I ask him, rolling my eyes standing a few feet away from the watch tower to avoid getting hit. "Stay back" Gally then yells as another rock flys over the railing of the watch tower, "There you go" Gally then adds before a rock is thrown towards him.

"Oh, damn" Fry then exclaims as she hits the metal bowl he is shielding himself with, with a rock. "Leave me alone!" The girl then screams at the boys, "God, you are really not good at talking to girls are you?" I laugh at their sad attempts on getting the girl down. "Watch you heads" Fry just yells out. "Heads, heads, heads!" Theo then repeats as he shields himself under the top of one of the tree boxes we get our supplies in. "This is not going to end well..." I mumble to Tyrell as he is just standing there laughing at the other guys.

"Hey! Throw one more of those things, I'm- Ow!" Gally yells at the girl before getting hit on the head with a rock, and I can't help but laugh as he ducks to not get hit again. "This is just hilarious" I laugh crossing my arms over my chest, as the girls yells at them to go away. "What happened?" Thomas then asks as he runs up to the guys, right in the shooting zone.

"I don't think she likes us very much" Newt just tells him, "You don't say" I then add with a laugh as the rocks and other things keep coming. "What do you want?" the girl then asks, "Maybe to know how she got so much stuff with her up there" I mutter to Tyrell as we are both standing behind the boys right outside of the shooting zone. "Hey, look, we just wanna talk" Thomas yells up at her, but she just throws more thing at them. "I'm warning you" she then yells and the boys duck as she throws a rock at them.

"Oh, take cover y'all. take cover" Fry yells as he runs past the guys on the other side of them. "Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa." Thomas then starts trying to get the girl to stop, "Hey, hey, it's Thomas. It's Thomas" he adds making her stop throwing all the things at them before looking down at the guys, and I look over at Thomas and then back at the girl confused. "She actually stop." I say looking at Tyrell then back at the guys "and I thought she would first stop when she ran out of things to throw" I then add with a small laugh as Tyrell just shakes his head at me like he always does when I make bad jokes.

"Okay, I'm gonna come up, okay?" Thomas then asks the girl as she moves back so we can't see her, "Okay" Thomas continues looking up at the watch tower, "Just me" he then adds as he walks towards the tower. "Heh, that was something" Theo then says as he walks up beside me and Tyrell. "You don't say..." I mutter looking up at the watch tower before looking back at the guys.

"What's going on up there?" Gally then yells after a while, "Is she coming down?" Newt asks and I walk up beside him as Thomas looks down at us from the tower. "Um..." He starts looking back at the girl, and then back down at us. "Hey, listen, you guys just give us a second, okay?" he then adds and I look up at Newt as Gally just sighs. "All right." Newt starts as he grabs my hand, "Come on" he then adds pulling me with him.

"Is this what all girls are like?" Fry then asks and I turn around looking up at him with a glare. "Seriously, Fry?" I ask him as he turns around, "Oh, yeah..." he starts realizing what he just said, "Sorry, Y/n" he then adds giving me a small smile and I just laughs at him shaking my head before following after Newt again as he pulls me with him, Theo following close after us as we walk off.

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