Chapter Fifty

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- The younger Greenie -

(A couple weeks after Newt and Y/n's 'almost kiss')

"Oh, for crying out loud," I mutter walking up the box "Have to do everything around here" I add as I jump down into the box since some other guys now have tried to calm the kid down but failing miserably at it. as the kid have already flunked his pants tree times. I walk over to the guys pushing them out of the way then kneeling in front of the boy.

"Hey, it's okay." I say softly sitting in front of him "It's okay," I repeat as he try to move away "I'm here to help," I continues to try calm him down "Other than these four slintheads" I then turn around to face, Gally, Justin, Andrew and Zart glaring at them, as I hear a small chuckle coming from the young boy in front of me. I turn back to him with a small smile.

"I'm Y/n," I introduce myself "And you?" I ask as he looks up at me with curious eye, "I- I don't remember..." he mutters looking down again. "That's okay," I say understandingly "We've all been through this" I explain to him which makes him look up at me. "You have?" He asks with his big brown eyes. "Yes, everyone here," I nod to the boys who have been quiet since I started talking to the young boy. "We all came up in this shucking box with no memory of anything but our names" I tell him.

"Now, let's get you out of this box and into some clean cloths, huh?" I then stand up offering him a hand. He looks at me for a moment before taking my hand and letting me help him up. Once he's out of the box I show him to the showers. where I give him some clean clothes and introduces him to Adam the last greenie to come up the box before this one, and he shows the new greenie around. and I make my way to the gardens.

"Hey!" I smile as I walk up to Newt and Theo standing by the gardens "Hey," Newt smiles back and Theo nods, before a smirk forms on his lips and I quickly try to find an excuse to leave. But before I can, Theo speaks up. "Hey, Y/n, didn't you have something you wanted to ask Newt?" and I shoot Theo a glare as Newt turns to look at me.

"I, uh... I don't think so?" I stammer, "Well, I better get going through," I then say, "the animals can't feed themselves, right?" I then ask as an excuse to leave. "Uh...I guess so," Newt says, looking slightly confused, as Theo just shoots me a look.

"I'll come help you" Theo then say "Sure, thanks" I smile as I quickly make my escape, "I'll see you later Newt" I say before walking off with Theo, and I hit him on the arm as we get far enough away. "What was that for?" I ask, "I was trying to help!" Theo says with a laugh, "Yeah, right. like pushing me to ask is going to help" I say with a roll of my eyes, as we walk into the stables to feed the animals. "Just trust me," Theo says, "You'll thank me later." "Yeah, right" I let out a sigh and shake my head, knowing he's probably right. I just hope everything goes well when I finally do ask Newt about his feelings.

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