Chapter Seventy-one

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- Is that so? -

"Hey," I say softly as Newt looks down at me with a sad face. "So," Minho then says getting our attention "You two finally kissed, eh?" he then adds with a smirk and I feel my cheeks heating up as Newt just laughs awkwardly beside me. "I-..." I say trying to find some excuse to get out of this awkward situation, my face now red like a tomato. "Wait... did you do 'it' too?" Minho then asks with a smirk. "What?! No?!" I quickly tell him, "God..."I then add a disgusted look on my face.

"Well, I better get going, gotta show Thomas the running gear before he goes in the pit" Minho then says walking out the door, before leaving with a smirk on his face. "I'm gonna go check up on the animals then" I say as I turn around facing Newt "So, I'll see you later" I say smiling up at him as he wraps his arms around me. "see you later then" he says leaning down his face inches away from mine.

"I should probably go now" I then tell him as he glances down at my lips for a second then back up at my eyes. "Yeah, you probably should" he then says with a smirk, but instead of letting me go he just pulls me closer. "Newt, I really have to go help Tyrell..." I say as I look up at him "then why aren't you leaving" he just asks with a smirk "I... have no idea..." I mutter, my eyes flickering between his eyes and his lips, as he slowly leans in further, "mhm?" He hums, smirking down at me, as I just stare into his eyes. "I... don't... want to..." I finally admit, my cheeks heating up, "Is that so?" he teases, a small smile playing on his lips before leaning in further, his lips now inches away from mine.

"Mhm..." I hum quietly looking up at him nodding slightly, before he then slowly closes the gap between us, our lips now touching as he kisses me softly. I wrap my arms around his neck, his hands now moving down to my waist pulling me closer to him. I smile into the kiss as I feel butterflies in my stomach, as I pull away slightly only for him to lean in again and kiss me once more.

After a few more minutes, we then pull away as I rest my forehead on his. "I really have to go now" I say with a smile, my heart racing from the kiss. "I know, I know" he says with a chuckle, before pressing a quick kiss on my lips. "I'll see you later?" he asks, his hands still on my waist. "Definitely" I smile up at him, before pulling away and heading towards the door. As I turn back around to look at him one more time, he gives me a wink before I walk out.

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