Chapter Fifty-eight

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- Thomas... -

"Hey, guys?" I ask as I see a lot more guys walking over to the fight circle "What's going on over there?" I add as the guys then looks over too, and just then the guys start chanting 'Greenie! Greenie! Greenie!' as Minho now looks up too, to see what's going on, before standing up and holding out his hands for me, helping me up from the ground, and we make our way over to the others, Minho grabbing my hand as he pulls me through all the boys to stand in the front, so we can see what this is all about, Theo and Tyrell following close behind us.

And when we get to the front we see the Greenie standing inside the fight circle in front of Gally. "Shit..." I mutter to myself as Gally then speaks up; "Okay. All right. " Gally starts looking around at all the boys then over at the Greenie.

"The rules are simple, Greenie," he then adds walking around in the circle "I try and push you out of the circle. You try and last more than five seconds" he then says as he starts backing up from the Greenie, making the boys laugh.

"Ready?" Gally then asks, the Greenie nodding, before Gally charges for him, already pushing him out of the circle once as the guys there catches him, throwing him into the circle again, Gally quickly pushes him to the ground, the Greenie falling face first into the sand. "Oh, ow" I say as I put a fist up to my mouth almost feeling the pain too.

"Come on, Greenie. We're not done yet" Gally then says, backing up. "Show us what you got!" Theo then yells at the Greenie, and I just glare up at him. "What?" Theo just asks smiling down at me "It's just for fun" he then says throwing his arm around my shoulders, making me just roll my eyes, as we turn our attention back to the fight circle.

"Stop calling me Greenie" The Greenie then says after getting up from the ground again, "Stop calling you that?" Gally asks "What do you wanna be called? Shank?" he then asks as we all start laughing. "What do you think, boy?" Gally asks the guys, and I clear my throat as he walks past me, "Sorry, and She-bean?" he then asks as I smile at him, the other boys staring to chant 'Shank! Shank! Shank!'.

"Does he look like a Shank?" Gally then asks as Him and the Greenie are circling each other now, before the Greenie charges for him, them starting to wrestle around, before Gally throws him on the ground.

"You know what? I think I've settled on shank" Gally then says circling the Greenie again as the guys start laughing. The Greenie then charges for him again, as Gally start pushing him backwards, but the Greenie then moves out of the way, making Gally fall right on the ground. "Oh, damn Greenie!" Tyrell says, making the others laugh.

"Yeah, there you go, Greenie" Alby then says as he walks towards him, the boys cheering for him. "Not bad for a Greenie, huh?" the Greenie then says before Gally then turns around swinging his leg at the Greenie's legs making him fall right on his side, his head hitting the ground. "oh, that gotta hurt" I say feeling bad for him.

"Thomas. Hey!" the Green then yells as he gets up from the ground, "Tomas! heh" he continues and I look over at him confused. "I remember my name. I'm Thomas!" the Greenie, or Thomas, then yells, a small smile forming on my lips, feeling happy for him.

"Thomas!" Alby then says as the boys start cheering on him, walking up to him, "Welcome home, Thomas" Fry says handing him a drink as we all cheers for him, when I feel a pair of arms wrap around me on my waist from behind, and I look behind to to see Newt smiling at me. "Hi, Lizard" I smile up at him, "Hello, Love" he smiles back before I turn around to see Gally walking up to Thomas. "Good job, Thomas" Gally says, but gets interrupted by a Griever screeching loudly, and we all look over at the doors where the sound came from.

"What the hell was that?" Thomas then asks as the sounds fades away, "That, my friend, was a Griever" Gally tells him as I feel shivers run down my spine, and I start shivering, like I always do when hearing one of them screeching, after that one night in the maze. "Don't worry. You're safe here with us" Gally then adds as he turns around to face Thomas, "Nothing gets through those walls" he explains before walking off.

"All right, guys. And girl" Alby then says, turning around to look at me as he says 'girl' as I give him a small smile, as Newt lets go of me again, but staying behind me. "Let's tuck it in for the night" Alby continues turning back around, "Come on. it was a good night" he adds clapping his hands as he walks over to Newt and I, the other guys walking off to their hammocks. "You too, lovebirds!" I then hear Theo yells he walk over to the hammocks, his back facing everyone, and I look up at Newt confused.

"How did he-?" I start but gets interrupted by Minho yelling at us now too, "We see everything!" he yells, "Alright! Alright, we're going!" I yell back at him, as I start walking over to the sleeping areas, since my hut is right beside it. "Night, Alby" Newt says as we walk away from him, "Night, Newt. Night, She-bean" Alby says back as I send him a small smile as I look over at the hammocks, "Night, Theo. Night, Min" I say before making my way to my hut, "Night, Chuckie" I then say as I pass his hammock, and he just sends me a tired smile and a wave, before I walk into my hut falling onto my bed, not even bothering to change into some more sleep appropriate clothes, as I'm too tired.

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