Chapter Forty-nine

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"LOOK OUT!" I yell as the chickens run straight at the builders my running after them. The builders quickly grab their tools running out of the way "CAREFUL!" Gally yells after me as I continue chasing the chickens "SORRY!" I yell looking back running right into Minho's side as he's coming back from the maze falling in my butt "Ow..." I groan before Minho helps me back up laughing slightly.

"You, okay?" Minho asks still laughing "Yea- yeah, I, I uhh... I-" I start but gets cut off by someone screaming in the distance and I look over Minho's shoulder to see the chickens eating the gardens "Oh no..." I mumble as Minho looks over his shoulder "Oh shuck!" Minho then yells before taking off running towards the gardens and I quickly follow behind him.

We reach the gardens to see the chickens pecking at the plants and vegetables while Zart and Leo are trying to shoo them away. Minho and I quickly join in, trying to chase the chickens away from the gardens.

We run around, trying to grab the chickens and shoo them away, but they keep running away from us, when I get an idea. "Wait here, I've got an idea!" I yell to the others before running towards the kitchen and grabbing some leftover bread. I come back to the gardens and start throwing pieces of bread in different directions, distracting the chickens and luring them away from the gardens, and we quickly pick them up putting them back in their coops.

"I think that was the last one" I say panting putting the last chicken in the coop "how did this even happen?" Zart then asks looking over at me "Well..." I laugh nervously scratching the back off my neck dragging out the words "I may or may not have forgotten to close the door when I was collecting the eggs..." I sheepishly admit while the others chuckle and shake their heads.

"Well, just remember to double check next time," Leo says with a smile before patting me on the back, "you did good handling those chickens though!" I smile proudly at Leo's words "Well, we better get going too, that garden doesn't clean up itself, you know" Zart jokes making us all laugh, "You need any help? since it was my fault, they got out in the first place" I offer, feeling guilty. "Nah, we got it," Zart says with a smile, "you just keep an eye on those chickens!" "Got that" I smile as they walk off to the gardens.

"I better go map out the maze" Minho then says as I kneel to clean up the broken eggs from when I dropped the basket to run after the chickens. I nod and continue cleaning up, making sure to double check the coop door this time.

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