Chapter Thirty-eight

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- trying to take a shower -

After a couple hours of drawing, I put away my sketchbook hiding it in a box under my bed, since I have drawings of the outside world in there too, that I do not want the others to know about, before deciding that I really need a shower.

I then try to stand up but fall the second I put my foot on the ground putting just a tiny bit of pressure on it the pain being unbearable, "Shit..." I mumble to myself, now debating if it really is worth it trying to take a shower, and I decide that I can't go all day smelling like shit after sweating so much in the maze, and I slowly crawl over to my chair using it as support as I try get up.

I slowly make my way to my dresser, winching with each step, opening the first drawer grabbing a shirt, then closing it and opening the next one as I grab some shorts, I then take my shampoo and soap putting it all in a small bag and I start limping for the door, when I hear footsteps outside and the door then opens.

"Didn't I tell you to stay in bed?" Newt asks as he leans on the door frame blocking the way "But I need to shower," I try to explain to him trying to get past, but he just grabs my waist pulling me back into my hut "wha-" I start as he pushes me a bit away from the door closing it behind him now leaning on the door his arms crossed over his chest "Oh, come on!" I then exclaim "I need a shower, Newt" I say as I try to walk past him, but he just grabs my shoulders, stopping me from even taking a step "Come on, Newt!" I exclaim Newt huffs a laugh as he looks down at me "You really think I'm letting you out of here?" he asks me "Yes" I say with a nod crossing my arms over my chest "You do realize that you can't even stand on your own right now?" Newt says pointing at my foot that I am doing everything I can right now not to stand on it, as I just glare at him.

"You have no power over me" I say with a small smile on my lips, "You sure about that?" Newt says as he leans down, a smirk forming on his lips "Yes" I say as I try to move past him, but he just grabs my waist pulling me back, my back now pressed against his chest, him arms around my waist. "Come on, Newt" a small smile on my lips, a light blush creeping its way to my checks now "I promise I'll be careful" I say, leaning my head back onto his shoulder. Newt just chuckles, "You're impossible" he says, his chin resting on my shoulder now.

"So are you" I say laugh lightly. "Fine," he then speaks up letting me go and I turn around, looking up at him with a smile on my lips, "You win" he adds "I always do" I then joke before grabbing my bag from the ground then limping over to the showers, Newt following waiting outside the showers for me.

After I finish my shower and get dressed, into a pair of denim shorts and a green t-shirt. and I slowly make my way out from the showers, Newt turning around as he hears me walking out "You done?" he asks as he looks at me, a small smile on his lips "Oh, no, I just came out here for fun" I reply sarcastically, "Ha-ha" Newt laughs a little as he then takes a few steps towards me, "How funny you are" he then adds as he take my bag as I start limping towards my hut again "I try my best" I reply with a small smile "I can tell" Newt says with a small chuckle before we make it to my hut. "Alright, I need to talk with Alby now, but Minho or Theo will be by with some lunch for you soon" Newt says placing my bag on the bed before walking off. I slowly make my way to my bed, sitting down on it with a sigh, grabbing my sketchbook once more starting to draw again.

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