Chapter Fifty-one

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- Pranks -

(A week after Chuck came up in the box)

"AAARRRGGGHHH" I hear Theo scream like a little girl as he comes running over to me and Tyrell as we are feeding the cows "what's going on?" Tyrell asks confused to what could have made a teenage boy scream like that "Someone but a snake in my hammock!" Theo yells terrified "A snake? Are you sure?" I ask him skeptically "Yes, I saw it slither in there. Can you please help me get it out?" Theo begs, his voice trembling. "Alright, fine..." I sigh as Tyrell, and I exchange a look before following Theo back to his hammock.

And as we make it to his hammock, I see what is on his hammock under his blanket "You're kidding me, right?" I say with a laugh, as I walk up to the hammock picking up a robe tied and drawn on to look like a snake, "What? No, it was real! I swear!" Theo insists. Tyrell and I can't help but burst out laughing at Theo's reaction. "Dude, it's just a rope. you had us really scared there for a second" Tyrell says, still laughing.

"Hey, what's going on over here?" Newt then asks as he and some other guys walks up to us to see why we are laughing so hard. "Theo thought there was a snake in his hammock, but it turned out to be this rope," I explain, holding up the robe for them to see. "You did this?" Gally then asks looking over at me.

"No, I didn't do it" I defend myself in-between laughs "Then why are you laughing?" Newt asks "Because whoever did this is a freacking genius" I say still laughing. Newt raises an eyebrow at me, clearly not amused. I try to compose myself, but I can't help the laughter spilling out of me. Newt sighs and shakes his head.

"Well, who did it then if it wasn't you?" Zart asks, crossing his arms over his chest, and I see someone hiding behind some boxes "I think I've got an idea" I then say snacking up behind the person, tackling them from behind "Gotcha!" I yell as I start tickling Chuck who's now laying on the ground laughing uncontrollably.

"Please... stop..." Chuck says in-between laughs, trying to push me off him. "Not until you admit that you were the one who put the rope in Theo's hammock" I say, still tickling him. "Okay, fine, I did it" Chuck laughs and I slowly get off him helping him up, "You did this?" Theo then asks walking up to us, still holding the robe in his hand. Chuck nods, still trying to catch his breath from all the laughing.

"Looks like you got some competition now, She-bean" Zart then says, elbowing me playfully. I just laugh and shake my head, knowing that I probably won't hear the end of this prank war anytime soon.

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