Chapter Sixty-seven

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- You what?! -

"Good morning sleepyhe-" Theo stops in his tracks after bursting through the door to my hut to see Newt behind me in my bed. "Not a word" I tell him sternly as Newt is still sleeping soundly, and he just smirks before turning around and leaving, but not before giving me a thumbs up and mouthing 'I approve' before closing the door behind him.

And I slowly wiggle out of Newt grip, getting out of bed and making my way over to my dresser changing into a pair of beige cargo pants, and a green t-shirt, then sitting down on my bed slipping on my tan combat boots, then getting up and walking over to my mirror to put my hair up in a ponytail, when I feel a pair of arms sneak around my waist from behind me.

"Morning..." Newt says in his raspy morning voice as he gives me a kiss on the cheek, "Morning, Lizard" I say with a small smile as I turn around to face him, and he just chuckles before leaning down giving me a quick kiss.

"We should probably head for the doors, they are gonna open soon..." I then say as I remember what happened yesterday, "Yeah, come on" Newt replies as he grabs my hand and we walk out of my hut towards the doors.

"And what did you guys do last night?" Tyrell then asks with a smirk, as we walk up to the other guys sitting on the concrete by the doors, and I look at him confused, before a realization hit me. "Theo!" I say as I glare over at Theo, "How many people did you tell?" I ask him as he just shrugs with a smirk, "Just Tyrell and Frypan, and maybe Winston and Zart..." he trails off as he counts on his fingers, "Basically everyone" he then adds with a grin, and I just roll my eyes at him.

"What's going on?" Newt then leans down asking me confused, "They think that we did 'it' last night," I tell him as I roll my eyes again, "You guys really just believes everything you're told, huh?" Newt the says with a chuckle.

"Hey, guys. get up" Chuck then says as the doors start to open, and we all walk up to the doors to see if Minho, Thomas and Alby was there. Nothing. "Told you, Chuck. They're not coming back" Newt then says as everyone starts to leave, and I walk up beside Chuck putting a hand on his shoulder, just about to say something when I see something turning the corner of the walls inside the Maze. "Wait, is that...?" I ask a small smile forming on my lips, "No way" Zart then says as he walk back up on the other side of Chuck.

"Yeah! Yes!" Chuck then exclaims in excitement everyone now turning back around walking up to the doors again. "Yeah! Yeah!" Chuck adds happy to see them all alive, as Minho and Thomas are carrying Alby towards us.

"I got him, I got him, I got him" Thomas then says as they lay Alby down on the ground, with the help of the other guys. "What happened out there?" one of the guys asks as Minho and Thomas knees down exhausted, "How'd you guys make it out?" another one asks. "You saw a Griever?" Chuck then looks over at the two sitting on the ground, with the rest of us surrounding them.

"Yeah, I saw one" Thomas then says looking up at Chuck. "He didn't just see it" Minho then speaks up looking around at everyone, "He killed it" he then adds as he looks over at me a smile forming on his lips, "You what?!" I ask in shock, looking over at Thomas with wide eyes. "Yeah, he did" Minho says looking up at me before getting up from the ground helping the other guys get Alby to the med-hut, as I just stand outside waiting as they are talking with Clint and Jeff, and I then start walking around after some time standing around waiting.

Minho then tackles me in a big hug behind me picking me up from the ground, "Aarrgghh!" I scream surprised, causing Minho to laugh as he puts me down. "Are you okay? Are you hurt? What happened out there?" I then ask turning around to face him, "I'm fine, we're both fine, we got Alby out alive because of Thomas and his crazy idea" Minho then says smiling down at me before I then see Newt walking up to us.

"Hey, what's up?" I ask as Minho turns around to face Newt too, "Gally called for a meeting, he wants to talk about Thomas running into the Maze" Newt replies before walking off to the homestead, Minho, Thomas and I following after.

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