Chapter Thirty-five

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- getting cleaned up -

As Clint comes in, he starts cleaning the wound "God, that hurt..." I groan, clenching my fist in pain "I haven't even started to stick you up" Clint answers as he grabs the needle. Fear filling my body, and I can't help but feel a little bit nervous.

"Uh... you sure that's necessary...?" I laugh nervously as I lean away from him slightly "I mean if you don't want an ugly scar, then yes" Clint says and I slowly lean back sitting straight and he start sticking me up as I grab the blanket on the bed under me harder for every time, he puts the damn needle in my arm.

"There" Clint then suddenly speaks up as he grabs the bandage putting it on my arm "Now, let's get a look at that ankle" he says, moving down to my injured ankle. "Does this hurt?" he then ask as he grabs my ankle and I quickly pull it away "GOD..." I groan through gritted teeth "Yeah, dude," I groan as I slowly put my leg towards him again.

"Sorry, sorry," Clint apologizes as he starts to gently examine my ankle. "Hey, how's it going?" Newt then walks in Alby following "Well," Clint starts as he stands up "It's definitely a third-degree sprain. She needs to stay off it for a while and keep it elevated" He adds, and I throw my head back groaning, knowing that I am now stuck in my bed, if I even get to go there and not have to stay here.

"Can I at least go back to my own hut?" I ask, trying to negotiate "We'll see about that" Clint replies, giving me a sympathetic look. "For now, you just need to rest and let your body heal." I sigh, knowing that there is no point in arguing. "Hey, at least you survived" Alby tries to cheer me up.

"Yeah, you're probably right" I smile weakly at them, "How's the greenie?" I then ask as I remember about his leg injury "He's doing good" Alby answers, Newt leaning on the bed beside me and grabbing my hand. He starts to draw on it, and I start to feel a bit better "Yeah, thanks to you" Minho then adds as he and Theo walks into the Med-hut Both of them smiling at me.

"Well, I'll leave you to it then" Alby then says before walking out Clint following probably to check up on the greenie, and I just chat with the others before Newt and Theo leaves to go work, Minho staying behind since he took a day off to look after me.

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