Chapter Fifty-four

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- Working the stables with Tyrell -

"Hey, Tyrell!" I call for Tyrell, as I walk up to him at the pig pen with a bucket of food "Yeah?" Tyrell turns around facing me, "Mind giving me a hand?" I ask setting down the bucket beside the pig pen "Yeah, sure thing" Tyrell replies walking up to me.

"What do you need help with?" he asks, "Just need a little help getting over this fence, my ankle is killing my right now" I tell him as I grab onto the fence as he walks up behind me. "Yeah, I got you" he says and he puts his hands under my right foot, helping me lift myself over the fence.

"Thanks" I smile as he also hands me the bucket of food before jumping over himself with ease, "Show of..." I mutter as we make our way to the trough to feed the pigs. "What did you say?" Tyrell then looks over at me, raising an eyebrow.

"Nothing." I quickly respond, "You know if you didn't run after the Greenie, your ankle wouldn't hurt that bad" Tyrell then says teasing me, then looking back at the pigs as he pours the food into their trough.

"You mean this one? Or the one I followed into the maze?" I asks him with a smirk, playfully nudging him with my elbow. "Both" Tyrell laughs, as I see Alby walking by with the Greenie. "Hey, Alby? coming to help clean out by the cows?" I joke, knowing how much he hates the smell. "Ha ha, very funny" Alby rolls his eyes, as the Greenie just looks at Alby then us confused.

"Now get back to work you two!" Alby then says, the Greenie turning back to look at Alby, and I hear him ask Alby something, but I don't know what, but decide to just shake it off. "Alright, you heard the man. Get back to work!" I tell Tyrell mocking Alby's voice as Alby and the Greenie walks off. "I heard that!" Alby then shouts back, making me and Tyrell burst out laughing.

"Looks like its just us" Tyrell then says as we walking back over to the fence, "Yay..." I say sarcastically this time trying to jump over the fence myself, "Careful," Tyrell then says, but a little too late as I land right on my left foot, "God! That hurt" I groan as i try to stand back up, "I told ya to be careful" Tyrell then says, trying not to laugh.

"Oh, just shut up, would ya?" I say, as I finally manage to stand up, holding onto the fence to keep myself steady. "Now, come on, we still have cow shit, that needs to be cleaned out" Tyrell jokingly says, as I smack his arm playfully, making him laugh.

As we get to the cows I jump over the fence once again earning just a playful glare from Tyrell as I hiss in pain when I land on the ground again, "You just don't need my help, huh?" he asks, teasing me once again. "Just go ahead and start, would you?" I tell him as I hand him a pitchfork, "Yes, ma'am" he then says, making fun of me being his boss, "I hate you" I say as I roll my eyes and begin to shovel cow shit, as we continue to joke around.

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