Chapter Fifty-seven

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- A curious Greenie -

"God..." I groan as I start tying up my left boot, "my ankle is just killing my right now" I add pulling it off and rubbing my ankle, "Yeah, well, maybe you shouldn't have ran after. the Greenie then, huh?" Tyrell says as he and Theo start laughing, Minho just sitting there looking at us confused since he was in the maze when the new Greenie came up the box. "Oh, shut it," I say throwing my boot at Tyrell, which he just catches. "Well, I mean then again, I didn't want to spent yet another night in the maze," I try to explain myself "So I was actually trying to tackle him, but I guess that stone, or whatever it was he fell over came before me" I add as the guys start laughing.

"One night in the Maze is already one too many" I then say looking over at the big closed doors, getting flashbacks from that night, "That shitty Maze really messed up my ankle too, so I ain't setting foot there again before, you guys find a way out" I add looking up and Minho pointing at him "And it didn't help either, when you insisted on jumping over the fences yourself all day today" Tyrell teases as he throws the boot back at me, "Aha ha, very funny" I say rolling my eyes at him, as the three just laughs, "I know I am" Tyrell says with a proud smirk on face face, making Me, Minho and Theo laugh at him.


"What happened to her?" The Greenie asks as he looks over at Y/n rubbing her ankle, "The Maze. That's what happened to her" Newt tells him as he turns back around with his back to everyone else again "Wha- What do you mean 'the Maze'? Didn't you just say that only Runners were allowed outside the walls?" The Greenie then asks turning around too.

"She wanted to stop one of the Greenies, just like you" Newt tells him not looking away from the walls I front of them "This one just made it into the maze" he adds as the Greenie looks at him in shock "The doors closing behind the two, trapping them there for the night..." Newt trails off remembering how scared he was of the thought of her not making it back.

"That's where the big scar on her arm is from too?" The Greenie then asks as he remember seeing it earlier that day "Well, we call them Grievers" Newt just says after taking a sip of his drink "Y/n is the only one that's seen one," He adds as he now looks over at the Greenie "I mean she has drawing of them, but she wont let anyone but me and Alby see them, and we have only seen those once" Newt tells him, and they just sits there in silence for a moment.

"Right, well, that's enough questions for one night" Newt then speaks up again as he turns to the Greenie "Come on" he adds "Listen, you're supposed to be the guest of honor" he then tells the Greenie. "Oh, well..." The Greenie toys to protest "No. No, no, come on" Newt then says as he get up from the ground, "Let me show you around" he then try to pull the Greenie with him.

"I- really, I'm-" the Greenie tries "Come on. Yeah" Newt the pulls the Greenie to his feet and they start making their way back to the others.

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