Chapter Twenty-eight

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- Prank failed successfully -

"NEWT! HELP!" I scream running towards him and hiding behind him "why are you hiding behind me? What did you do?" He asks me confused but before I could get the chance to explain I hear Minho yelling from the showers "MY HAIR?!" Then an angry looking Minho walks up to me, as I slowly walk out from behind Newt "oh! Hey, Minho" I smile trying to act innocent "you put red hair dye in my shampoo?!" He then asks "to be fair, now your hair matches your mood" I try to reason with him, but he just glares at me, as I laugh nervously, earning just a glare in return from Minho.

"Hey, Minho, I dig the hair" Theo the laughs as he walks past us making Minho even more mad "Run" Newt then quickly whispers to me and just as he does so I quickly turn around running off as Minho sets off after me. "Oh, you are not getting off easy with this one!" Minho then yells after me as I run for the deadheads, laughing and screaming as Minho chases me.

I can hear Newt and the others laughing behind me as I continue to run and eventually Minho gives up and I stop running, still laughing and trying to catch my breath. "You are so dead" Minho says through gritted teeth as he then start running again catching me off guard and he finally catches up to me, pinning me to the ground, as he sits on top of me holding my hands over my head, but I can see the hint of a smile on his lips. "To be fair, I thought it was Theo's shampoo" I then try to reason with him, still trying to contain my laughter.

Minho just shakes his head, before letting go of my wrist and I let out a small sigh thinking he is letting me go, but instead of getting off me he start tickling me making me laugh even harder. "Stop! Stop! Please!" I beg between laughs, but Minho just laughs along with me as he continues to tickle me. "Minho!" I yell in between laughter, trying to push him off me, but he just laughs along with me. "I'm sorry!" I finally say, in between laughs "You better be" he says, but I can tell he's not really angry anymore.

Suddenly, I feel someone pulling Minho off me and I look up to see Newt standing there with a smile on his face. "I think she's had enough, Minho" Newt says, trying to hold back his own laughter. Minho finally stops tickling me and gets off me, offering me a hand to help me up.

"But you do realize I'm going to have to get you back for this, right?" He then says with a smirk, and I just laugh nervously. "And you owe me a new shampoo" he adds with a smirk. "Deal" I say, smiling at him. From that day on, Minho and I have been in a never-ending prank war, always trying to one-up each other. Next time triple checking before pouring any kind of dye in someone's things. Lesson learned.

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